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Celebrating A Flexible World Health Day 🤸‍♂️

How flexible working is helping employees and our planet

7th Apr 2022

Today is World Health Day and this year's theme is 'Our Health, Our Planet'. 🌍

Our political, social and commercial decisions are driving the climate and health crisis. Flexible working is helping to make our planet greener and improving our overall health and wellbeing.

Did you know that telecommuters reduce greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel consumption, air pollution, and paper and plastic waste? đź’ˇ

We are currently in a period of transition, redefining our working lives and creating a world where economies are focused on health and wellbeing, and people have more control over their health and the health of the planet.

We've heard from a handful of Flexified partners' employees, on how flexible working has enhanced their health and happiness. 🤸‍♂️

Goda Bielskyte. Talent Advocate.

"A few years back, to me flexibility meant starting work at 08:00 instead of 09:00, or having a shower on site after biking or running to the office, to try and squeeze at least a bit of exercise in before sitting down for the next 8 hours.

How times have changed... Since starting with Austin International I am truly able to fit my life around my work (and not the other way around). Being a part of a 100% Flexible Working Culture is about empowering people across the business to work where and when they feel most productive and most comfortable. Whether that be in the office, at home, in another country or on their sofa with a cosy blanket (that's where you'll find me when it's raining and freezing outside).

I love starting my days with an early Yoga  session to charge my energy levels before I get stuck in. During March, I also started taking daily walks to get some fresh air and keep my step count up, and since we do not have set working hours, I can take my 'lunch' break at any time of the day.

Thanks to our Unlimited Holiday policy, I am also able to take as much time off as I need without counting if I still have enough days off left for the Christmas Holidays. Last year I was able to take the time off and visit Peru, hike to Pisac and Machu Picchu ruins, and take some time to re-set.

This is what Flexibility means to me now."

"For World Health Day, we're running a company-wide Step Challenge to raise money for the UNICEF Ukraine Crisis Appeal. For every 10,000 steps that each member of our team walks in April, we have asked them to pledge to pay 50p towards UNICEF Ukraine Crisis Appeal - and Instant Impact will then match their donation! Walking is a small but important way to look after our own health so we thought it was a great way to encourage our team to get those steps in whilst also doing our bit for charity - also everyone loves a bit of healthy competition!

Here are two pics of our employees enjoying walks. On the left is Angharad (our People & Culture Partner) enjoying a beach walk with her dog, Arthur and her boyfriend, Liam. On the right is a photo of Gráinne (our Talent Partner) on a beautiful morning walk in Belfast."

Rheanna Marshall. People Experience Coordinator.

Rheanna used her working from home budget from Prolific to buy treadmills for her desk:

"For a while, I had kept seeing the 'treadmill desk' trend online and always wanted to try it out. I was so excited that I was able to use my home-office allowance to finally give it a go, and it's great! It really makes me feel energised in the morning and I love that I'm able to walk during meetings."

Ligia Murphy. Associate Creative Director.

“Outside of my role at Momentum, one of my passions is being outdoors and exploring the world around me by hiking. Hiking is the most satisfying feeling that allows me to relax, and connect with my thoughts. The fresh air, surrounded by trees, hiking trails, and jaw-dropping scenery is what I live for.

As I can’t go hiking every day, I keep fit by having a regular visit to the gym. I am an early bird, so having the opportunity to workout before my work day starts is a big plus for me.

At lunch time I walk in the park, it’s a great thing to receive fresh air and keep my body moving, it feels like moving meditation, it is the time I use to check in with myself and where I am in life and on my journey. It is a time where I think about projects, concepts and ideas, and it gives me a sense of re-charging.

I read these words recently that got stuck in my mind: Hiking represents what life is all about. You need to work hard to get what you want. You need to put in time and effort. However tired you may feel or unsure what step to take next, you keep going. You keep going up and keep persevering because in the end, you’re gonna reach something really freaking cool. When you hit the top and you’re finished? You walk back down and plan your next amazing challenge. Always keep yourself challenged, push yourself and you will achieve the best you.”