Mott MacDonald
Mott MacDonald
What Mott MacDonald employees like about the company
Family friendly
Family friendly
98% of Mott MacDonald employees say it is a family friendly workplace.
Enhanced maternity leave
Adoption leave
Shared parental leave
Carer’s leave
Early career friendly
Early career friendly
96% of Mott MacDonald employees is a good fit for recent graduates
Graduate programmes
Apprenticeship programmes
Internship programmes
Work experience programmes
94% of Mott MacDonald employees agree that they have a collaborative culture.
93% of Mott MacDonald employees say they can work flexibly.
Have hybrid working (with some weekly office time)
Have a little flexibility in start and finish times
93% of Mott MacDonald employees agree that they have a supportive culture.
Work-life balance
Work-life balance
92% of Mott MacDonald employees feel they have a good work-life balance.
Alternative working patterns
Alternative working patterns
91% of Mott MacDonald employees say Mott MacDonald support alternative working patterns
Open to part-time employees
Open to part time work for some roles
Mott MacDonald employees rated the benefits on offer as a 75/100
View the full list of benefits that Mott MacDonald offer
About us
We’re a global engineering, management and development consultancy. Everywhere around the world, people’s needs and aspirations are changing, fast. That brings increasing challenge for our clients, as you seek to satisfy your stakeholders, tackle societal issues and deliver your business strategy.
Our network of experts looks at problems from fresh angles and finds opportunities in complexity. They bring together diverse skills, experience and insight, to turn obstacles into sustainable solutions. Our aim: to add value at every stage, for you and the lives you touch every day.
Approach to diversity & inclusion
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) play an important role not only in creating a workplace where all colleagues can thrive but also in ensuring that the projects we deliver are considering the needs of everyone within the communities they impact. For an outline of the ways in which an ongoing commitment to EDI is fundamental to the success of our business and to the realisation of our wider organisational purpose, we encourage all colleagues to read Mott MacDonald’s global equality, diversity and inclusion strategy “Everyone’s business”.
Flexible working at Mott MacDonald
Agile working empowers you to work smarter, giving you more individual responsibility over how, when and where you work to meet your personal and professional commitments.
Agreed in discussion with your people manager, agile working involves adapting your office working approach on an ad hoc basis to improve your productivity, job satisfaction and work-life balance and support business and client requirements, without changing your employment contract. It includes:
- Flexible work times: varying your working hours in line with personal needs like caring responsibilities, appointments, exercise and volunteering
- Working from home: for more focus time, a private space for client calls, dealing with home maintenance issues or attending appointments
- Working from your contracted office: for team collaboration, team and client meetings, building rapport and empathy with colleagues
- Working from other offices to fit with your professional aims.
Awards & Achievements
Disability Confident Leader
Clear Assured Gold
Armed Forces Covenant Gold Award
Inclusive Top 50 UK Employers`
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Leader - New Civil Engineer Awards
Inclusive Employer of the Year Award 2023- Consulting and Engineering Awards
Glassdoor Best Place to Work
Glassdoor Best Place to Work
Working at Mott MacDonald
Company employees:
Gender diversity (m:f):
Hiring in countries
United Kingdom
Office Locations