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Using employer branding to improve employee retention

31st Jul 2023

Imagine being able to cut your employee turnover by an impressive 28% - now, what if we told you that investing in your employer brand could make this a reality? While many organisations prioritise building an Employer Brand to attract top talent, its impact on retaining exceptional employees is equally significant. 

Your employer brand is not just about having a fancy careers page with a handful of benefits. It’s how you present your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) which covers everything from your company's values, and culture to your work environment, leadership style, and the overall employee experience. 

Research shows that a substantial 61% of staff express a willingness to leave their current employer for one with a stronger brand. Therefore, it's clear that placing employer branding at the forefront of your 2024 agenda is not just a nice to have- its essential.

So, what makes a good Employer Brand, and how does it directly benefit your employees, influencing their decision to stay with you longer? Maintaining the satisfaction and engagement of your most valuable employees can be quite the challenge -  that's where the magic of Employer Branding steps in.

Developing an authentic Employer Brand allows you to not only attract exceptional talent but also ensures that your current employees stick around for the long haul.

Are you eager to create a workplace that people truly love being a part of? Here's how harnessing the power of your Employer Brand can do wonders for your employee retention. 

How does employer branding help with retention?

1. It creates a sense of purpose and belonging 

One of the most powerful ways that employer branding can boost retention is by creating a sense of purpose and belonging among your employees. When your team feels connected to your company's mission and values, and sees how their work contributes to something greater, they're more likely to feel fulfilled and motivated to stay for the long haul. 

To create this sense of purpose and belonging, start by clearly defining and communicating your company's wider EVP pillars.  Think about your mission and values and how you can communicate this to make sure everyone is on the same page. 

Once you've defined your employer brand, look for ways to bring it to life in your day-to-day operations and interactions with employees. This could include:

  • Celebrating milestones and successes that align with your values
  • Encouraging open communication and feedback across all levels of the organisation
  • Ask employees to share their personal values and purpose 
  • Showcase your commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and inclusion 

By consistently reinforcing your employer brand and making it a key part of your employees' experience, you'll create a deep sense of connection and loyalty that will keep them engaged and committed for the long run.

2. It helps you attract aligned talent 

Another way that employer branding can boost retention is by helping you attract candidates who are the right fit for your company culture and values. When your employer brand accurately reflects who you are as an organisation, you'll naturally attract job seekers who align with your mission and way of working.

This is crucial for retention because employees who are a good fit for your culture are more likely to feel satisfied and fulfilled in their roles, and less likely to leave for greener pastures. 

To make sure your employer brand is attracting the right candidates, start by auditing your current branding materials and job postings. Do they accurately reflect your culture and values, or are they generic and bland? 

Next, look for ways to showcase your employer brand throughout the hiring process, from your job descriptions and career site to your interviews and onboarding. Some ideas:

  • Create videos or blog posts that give candidates a behind-the-scenes look at your company culture and team. Our live feed on Flexa is the perfect way to do this. 
  • Share employee testimonials and stories that highlight what it's really like to work at your company
  • Use your company's unique personality and voice in your job postings and communications
  • Make sure your hiring process reflects your values, whether that means prioritising diversity and inclusion or emphasising work-life balance

By accurately and authentically representing your employer brand, you'll attract candidates who are the right fit for your team, reducing turnover and boosting retention in the long run.

3. It keeps employees engaged and motivated 

Finally, employer branding can boost retention by keeping your current employees engaged and motivated over time. When your team feels proud to work for your company and connected to your mission, they're more likely to go the extra mile and stick around for the long haul. 

To keep your employer brand strong and engaging for current employees, it's important to consistently reinforce your values and culture in your day-to-day operations. This could include:

  • Celebrating employee milestones and achievements that align with your values
  • Encouraging creativity, innovation, and risk-taking that pushes your mission forward
  • Providing regular opportunities for feedback, communication, and collaboration across teams
  • Offering growth and development opportunities that align with your employees' personal and professional goals
  • Hosting team-building events and activities that bring your culture to life

6 employer branding strategies to improve employee retention

Let's look at six tactics you can use to enhance your employee retention through developing a solid Employer Brand. 

Build strong leadership and management

Leadership plays a critical role in employee engagement and retention. Managers should be highly skilled in providing guidance, support, and career development opportunities for their teams. 

Make sure you provide continual training and support to your leaders and managers in order to create an environment that inspires and motivates. More than this, you can talk about your success stories within the team to boost your Employer Brand.

Provide opportunities for growth and development

Strengthen your Employer Brand by prioritising employee development through training programs and career advancement opportunities. 

Provide mentorship, coaching, and access to professional growth resources, enabling your employees to enhance their skills. When employees see a clear path for growth, they are more likely to stay long-term.

Recognise and reward your employees

Enhance your Employer Brand by recognising and valuing the accomplishments and contributions of your employees. Show appreciation for milestones, exceptional performance, and outstanding work through various methods, including awards, bonuses, promotions, and public acknowledgement.

Consider Ben, the all-in-one employee benefits platform for any company, it’s flexible, fully-automated and budget-friendly. And can increase your monthly engagement by an average of 83%. 

Promote work-life integration and flexibility

Embrace a modern approach to work that values work-life integration as a core principle of your Employer Brand. 

Offer flexible work arrangements and rremote work options to empower employees in achieving a better balance between their personal and professional lives. 

This flexibility is particularly beneficial for parents, individuals with caregiving responsibilities, and those who cherish the company of their furry companions.

Prioritise well-being

Elevate your Employer Brand by making the mental and emotional well-being of your employees a top priority. This approach creates a work environment of higher employee engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.

Implementing mental health initiatives, such as counselling services, stress management workshops, and mindfulness programs, and give employees the valuable tools to navigate personal and professional challenges more effectively. Recognising the interconnectedness of personal and work life, companies now understand the significance of providing support to help employees successfully manage these demands.

Recognising the interconnect between personal and work life, companies now understand the importance of providing support to help employees manage these demands successfully. Consider a company like Oliva who aim to create a company-wide impact through proper mental health support, getting people the right level of professional support when they need it. 

Employees get tailored care journeys, a safe space to open up in one-to-one sessions or work on specific topics as part of a group, and with 100% confidentiality, employees can feel at ease.

Listen to your employees

Transparent communication is essential—it creates trust and demonstrates that you value the insights of those who drive your company forward every day. Your team is the lifeblood of your business, so creating an environment where employees can thrive is crucial for your company's success. 

It's important that employees feel their voices are heard and that you provide various channels for them to express their feedback or concerns. But remember, it's not just about listening—taking action is key. Address those concerns head-on and communicate your commitment to making improvements. And demonstrate your progress by effectively communicating the implemented actions and improvements to your team.

Remember - it all starts with your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Your employer branding is how you showcase your Employee Value Proposition (EVP). It's crucial to start by understanding your EVP before considering how to showcase it. Whether you need to refine your existing EVP or are just getting started, our EVP masterclass covers everything you need to know.

Before getting started on your employer branding efforts, you need to have your Employee Value Proposition in place. This will help you create a more focused strategy for your EVP and identify areas for improvement.

In our  EVP masterclass Flexa CEO and Co-Founder Molly Johnson-Jones will be taking you through the 7 core pillars of a strong EVP, how to find out which ones to lean on (and which to avoid!), and how to use your current working environment to attract top talent, build brand awareness, reduce recruitment costs, improve diversity, and increase the internal awareness of your EVP.

Whether you're looking to start building a powerful EVP from scratch, refresh your existing EVP, supercharge your EVP efforts with exclusive data and insights, or activate your EVP to achieve enviable ROI, this workshop is for you!

We will cover : 

  • How to build out your EVP pillars 
  • Creating your EVP framework
  • Asking for feedback
  • How to create EVP collateral 
  • How to share your EVP