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How to embed learning into your work culture 

When employees are empowered to learn and grow, they are better equipped to adapt to change, solve complex problems, and drive business success.

2nd May 2024

Creating a culture of continuous learning is no longer a nice-to-have—it's a must-have, especially in the AI era where technology is rapidly evolving. Now more than ever, employees are keen to learn and keep their skills up to date to stay competitive. When employees are empowered to learn and grow, they are better equipped to adapt to change, solve complex problems, and drive business success.

That's why, each year, Learning at Work Week sets a theme to inspire and guide organisations in their learning and development initiatives. For 2024, the theme is "Learning Power," which explores how lifelong and continual learning gives us the power to change, grow, and achieve our individual, team, and organisational goals.

In this blog post, we'll look at

  • Why learning at work matters
  • The impact learning at work has on employees
  • Flexified L&D companies leading the way
  • Top tips to embed learning into your workplace culture

Why learning at work matters

To begin with, let's look at why embedding learning into your work culture matters. When we’re talking about learning at work we’re not talking about offering the occasional training session or workshop. It's about creating an environment where learning is valued, encouraged, and integrated into the daily fabric of work life. When learning is embedded, it becomes a natural and integral part of how your organisation operates, rather than a separate or ad-hoc activity. 

Here are some eye-opening stats which show just how important learning at work is : 

Benefits of embedding learning into your work culture

  1. Improved performance and productivity: When employees have the opportunity to continuously learn new skills and knowledge, they are better equipped to thrive in their roles. By investing in employee development, companies can see a boost in performance and productivity as their employees become more capable.
  2. Increased innovation and creativity: Exposure to new ideas and perspectives is a catalyst for innovation and creativity. When employees have access to learning opportunities and diverse experiences, they are more likely to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to challenges.
  3. Enhanced employee engagement and retention: Companies that prioritise employee development demonstrate that they value their employees and are invested in their growth. This leads to higher levels of engagement and greater retention rates, as employees feel supported and motivated to stay with the company.
  4. Greater adaptability and resilience: In today's ever-changing business environment, adaptability and resilience are very important traits. By creating a culture of continuous learning and development, companies can help their employees become more adaptable and resilient in the face of change and uncertainty.
By making learning a core part of your organisational DNA, you'll create a workforce that is not only more skilled and knowledgeable but also more motivated, engaged, and equipped to tackle the challenges of the future. 

Flexified L&D companies leading the way


HowNow is a learning experience platform that helps companies onboard, upskill and support employees faster, everywhere they work.

Here are some of the ways the company is helping employees with continuous learning at work. 

  • L&D Budgets of £500
  • Wind Down Fridays to spend time learning
  • Using HowNow+ to learn
  • As part of learning week, all managers across the business are doing a dedicated coaching session to their teams
  • Everyone across the organisation has done a Skills Assessment against the requirements of their role using HowNow. An internal speaker is going to be brought in to bridge that skills gap.
  • A quarterly KnowHow which includes delivering a session on ad-hoc topics. Some of the themes have been ‘delivering better presentations’, ‘building your own personal brand’, ‘the HRTech ecosystem’.


Multiverse is a tech-first institution that combines work and learning to deliver equitable access to economic opportunity for everyone. 

Here are some of the fantastic ways they are encouraging learning at work. 

“We take “learning at work week” and make it learning at work every week here at Multiverse: in line with our ‘development is at our core’ company value.

Our product brings the best of human-centred coaching, technology and AI to deliver an innovative approach to learning. This is something we provide our customers daily, but over the course of the last year we have stepped up our internal approach.

The Tech team call it “dogfooding”; essentially testing our products out internally as part of the development phase of the product lifecycle. With our Tech team rapidly ramping up product releases, this dogfooding stage has become integral, and those trialling our learning massively benefit too!

AI Jumpstart, our first AI beginner training module, is a great example, with 70% of employees enrolling. Additionally, our Learning team conducts live mock sessions, with over 300 Multiversers recently gaining insights into the 'Fundamentals of Data Management'.

With planned product launches skyrocketing this year, learning at work will continue to be a staple for everyone at Multiverse.”


Transcom is a Swedish outsourcing company which provides customer care, sales, technical support, and collections services through an extensive network of contact centers and work-at-home agents.

"At Transcom, we are guided by five core values, one of which is ‘We are lifelong learners’.For us, learning is not just something we do merely during the onboarding process, but rather an integral part of our everyday lives and a key ingredient to our growth. Constant learning is part of our company’s DNA and something that, without a doubt, makes us better and more developed versions of ourselves, both personally and professionally.However, we don’t want learning at Transcom to ever be dull! For this reason, we’ve created Transcom University, our internal platform that includes more than 1600 online courses, whose main goal is to help our employees acquire job-specific knowledge but also to explore new topics and broaden their horizons in fun and interactive ways.Whether our colleagues would like to learn more about customer service, leadership principles, or any other topic regarding different business areas, Transcom University offers that.Our commitment to lifelong learning is also reflected in the fact that the total training time spent on the platform amounts to an impressive 60 years!

Greta Cibulskaitė, Recruitment Marketing Team Leader, Transcom

Cool Farm

Cool Farm are on a mission to accelerate the transition to regenerative and sustainable agriculture by providing globally aligned, credible and science-based metrics, tools and resources that create impact.

"We understand the importance of fostering the professional growth and development of our team members. Recognising that we're on a journey, we've come to realise the necessity of engaging our team more and being transparent about our Learning and Development processes as our team expands. We're committed to ensuring that each member of our team receives the necessary support and resources to thrive in their roles. Our approach is rooted in collaboration, and we work together to identify and address individual training needs, leveraging insights from both managers and employees. Moreover, we actively promote a culture of continuous learning, encouraging our team members to explore various avenues for professional development, whether through formal training programme or other learning opportunities. Our commitment to growth extends beyond mere words—it's a cornerstone of our culture, ensuring that every member of our team has the tools and opportunities necessary for their success."

Kirsten Crutchley, Admin & Finance Manager, Cool Farm


Camunda enables organizations to orchestrate processes across people, systems, and devices to overcome complexity and increase efficiency.

"At Camunda, we’re dedicated to learning and growing together. Our learning culture is built on two pillars: breadth and depth. These pillars empower our team members (Camundi) with the tools and resources they need to succeed personally and professionally. Whether it’s through company-sponsored learning initiatives, access to platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Modern Health, Clifton Strengths, and Torch, or by fostering self-directed learning through our Professional Growth Benefit, we ensure that Camundi have access to tailored avenues for growth. Our dedication to learning isn’t just a box to check off, it’s a lived experience that we promote and celebrate as an essential part of our daily operations"

Nikhita Cyriac, Head of Talent Acquisition, Camunda

Tips for embedding learning into your work culture 

Ready to start embedding learning into your own work culture? Here are some practical tips to get you started:

1. Encourage knowledge sharing: Create a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their expertise and learning from each other. Encourage mentoring programs, knowledge-sharing sessions, and collaborative projects where employees can learn from their peers.

2. Use technology to make learning more accessible, flexible, and personalised: Use digital learning platforms, online courses, and mobile apps to provide employees with easy access to learning resources. Tailor learning experiences to individual needs and preferences, allowing employees to learn at their own pace and in their preferred format.

3. Provide a diverse range of learning opportunities: Offer a variety of learning opportunities to cater to different learning styles and preferences. This includes formal training programs, workshops, webinars, as well as on-the-job learning experiences, such as job rotations and secondments.

4. Recognise and reward employees who engage in learning and development: Acknowledge and celebrate employees who demonstrate a commitment to learning and development. Implement recognition programs, badges, or certifications to reward employees who complete training courses or achieve specific learning milestones.

5. Continuously evaluate and improve your learning initiatives: Regularly gather feedback from employees about their learning experiences and preferences. Use data analytics to track the effectiveness of learning initiatives and identify areas for improvement. Continuously update and refine your learning programs to ensure they remain relevant and impactful.

By following these tips and drawing inspiration from the examples we've shared, you'll be well on your way to creating a thriving learning culture.

By embedding learning into your work culture, you'll not only enhance the skills and knowledge of your workforce but also create a more innovative and resilient organisation.