Transparency Ranking
top 3 scores:
Hours flexibility
We're building the world's no.1 rail platform while empowering greener travel choices, connecting people and places - jump onboard 🚆 💚
3 days/week at home
A little flex time
This score gives you an insight into how transparent this company is about what it's really like to work there—from flexibility to values and more!
Based on 147 employee responses
We asked employees of Trainline what it's like to work there, and this is what they told us.
Additional employee ratings
(these do not contribute to the FlexScore®)
Benefits spotlight
What's great about Trainline
Mission and vision
Tech for good
Our company environment
Career progression led
Regularly benchmarked/readjusted salary
Above market salary
Disability representation
Trainline jobs
Legal Counsel - Italy & Spain (based in London)
Principal Cloud Security Engineer
Product Manager (Monetization)
Data Science Manager (B2B)
Principal Data Product Manager – Insight & Analytics
Head of Product - Platform
Data Scientist
Monetisation Strategy Manager
People Advisor
Interim Marketing & Brand Director (12 month FTC)
Account Executive
Employee reviews
Trainline's employees have anonymously had their say in what they think of the company
Trainline is a very good place to work - it has an amazing culture with amazing people at the heart of it! We have an exciting vision which is amazing to be apart of - and be able to make a difference!
Happy to see all different initiatives that Trainline is doing, events and trainings engage all employees and motivates. Here also to mention that I feel that my opinion is well-received in Trainline, when I had some doubt or any specific issue all people helped me to find a solution.
Working at Trainline is honestly a very enjoyable experience for me! We have the flexibility to work from the office (40% of our time in a 12 weeks period, which means we can really adapt our schedule the way it works best for us), but also from abroad if we want. Having different offices (London, Edinburgh, Paris, Milan, Barcelona) also helps cultural diversity. And in the end, I really want to emphasize that the people at Trainline are a treat to work with, we have a very collaborative and friendly atmosphere!
I'm lucky to be part of the trainline team.
It's great fun working at Trainline. There's a real vibe and positive culture around the business; it's a bunch of pretty clever people doing some great work to attract more customers to the business, and to travel by rail. Sustainability is a huge element of that.
I believe that the company is usually willing to listen to employees' requests and tries to bring solutions to the table when a problem or improvement is identified.
A great team, everyone is very nice, very diverse workforce and great flexibility company does a lot to support this
Working at Trainline
Company employees
Gender diversity (male:female)
Currently Hiring Countries
United Kingdom
Office Locations
About us
Hey, we're Trainline! 👋
We're Europe’s leading independent rail platform, selling rail and coach tickets to millions of travellers worldwide. We enable them to seamlessly search, book and manage their journeys all in one place via our highly rated website and mobile app. 🚆
We aren’t afraid to think big. In fact, the big picture inspires us and we’re looking for people to join us on our journey, as we drive a greener and more sustainable travel future across the world. 🤩
Great journeys start with Trainline. 💚
Flexible working at Trainline
We believe in the importance of a healthy work-life balance and the value of a flexible workforce. A key part of what makes Trainline special is our people and the value we get from the buzz and energy of our workplaces, and that’s why we’re proud to offer the best of both worlds.
Our flexi-first approach outlines our commitment to a hybrid way of working and our expectations of Trainliners. In practice this means in–office attendance is expected at least 40% of the time over a 12-week period for all Trainliners. These in-office days are typically team led to help us connect, collaborate and create together.
Approach to diversity & inclusion
💚 Diversity drives us forward
We know that having a diverse team is crucial to Trainline’s ongoing success. A team that is diverse in all forms – gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, nationality and diversity of thought are key to Trainline being an inclusive environment where every Trainliner can be their true self.
We're committed to creating workplaces where everyone belongs, is celebrated and their differences are valued, creating an awesome employee and customer experience.
💚 Meet our Networks
Our diversity networks are inclusive communities developed and led by Trainliners, with sponsorship and support from senior leaders. They're all about empowering and supporting underrepresented groups, by providing a safe space to talk, a place to come up with new ideas and a channel for voices to be heard.
🚀 Women in Leadership
💜 Gender Equality Network
🏳️🌈 Rainbow Train (LGBTQIA+)
🌻 Sunflower (accessibility)
🌍 Ethnic Diversity Network
🐣 Parent & Carers
What do we think of Trainline?
We've loved getting to know Trainline's ways of working throughout the onboarding process. It's encouraging to see a company as large as Trainline value diversity, flexible working and have such an array of benefits. If you're looking to be part of a team that sees the importance of work-life balance - check out Trainline !
Behind the scenes at Trainline
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