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Let's Talk: Health & Wellbeing At Work

6th Oct 2021

With Lauren McLaren, Employee Experience Manager at Brightpearl.

What is the one benefit you’d like to highlight at Brightpearl?

We’d like to highlight our Health and Wellbeing support package, which is provided via a platform called Juno

What is it exactly? 

Juno is a platform that offers different health and wellbeing products and experiences providing our employees with flexible wellness options that suit their individual needs.

When was it introduced?

We’ve been using Juno since March this year.

Why did Brightpearl want to introduce this benefit?

Health and wellbeing is a top priority at Brightpearl, and we understand it means something different to each individual. Giving our staff flexibility and choice is really important to us. 

In our offices we provide a fully stocked kitchen for our employees to enjoy; breakfast cereals, fruit, teas, coffees, smoothies, snacks, everything!  When we went into lockdown and our employees told us they were missing this, we started sending out healthy snacks boxes each month. Then people started asking if we could provide tea / coffee / fruit  instead.  Inspired to look for something inclusive that would appeal to everyone, we found Juno who provide numerous benefit options. Now our employees have the flexibility they need and deserve. 

How did you go about implementing Juno?

So, me and my US colleague, Nikki, had a demo with Juno and loved it. We were both really excited to go ahead and launch it at Brightpearl and we knew that our employees would really enjoy using it - we are global at heart and were thrilled to hear we could provide in both geos.

From the demo, we on-boarded with Juno and then rolled it out to everyone across the business. Juno hosted an online presentation for our employees, to show them what it’s all about, how to use their points and get the most out of the platform. We also run quarterly refresher sessions to ensure our new and existing employees are utilising the platform too. 

What was the cost implication? 

Juno has replaced the snack boxes that we used to send out. Brightpearl allocates each person a set amount of Juno points each month, and those points can be spent on the Juno platform and put towards anything they like that’ll put a smile on their face and make them feel happy - which you can’t put a price on.

What was the reaction from your employees?

Honestly, it’s been amazing. Not only has it started another thread of conversation on our Slack channels, but each week people are sharing what they’ve spent their points on or what they’re going to spend their points on. It’s really brought people together again; it’s helped to maintain that sense of community that we’ve always had at Brightpearl.

Our employees are always really excited when they receive their points and love to ask other people what they’re going to spend them on and for recommendations.

What positive repercussions have you seen since it was introduced?

We can’t see exactly what people are using their points for, we can see what categories they fall under I.e. fitness, nutrition, mind. It helps us to better understand our people, what’s important to them and reassures us that it is contributing positively to everyone’s health and wellbeing. It’s really nice to know that people are making the most of this benefit and taking care of themselves.

Juno also has a positive impact on social initiatives. We’ve seen new social communities form at Brightpearl. We love our diverse team and how people are discovering that they share a common interest with other employees. 

Why does this benefit matter to your company and Brightpearl employees?

Ultimately, we appreciate that everyone has different needs and preferences and being able to support our employees’ health and wellbeing, whilst also providing choice and flexibility around that is such a great feeling. It’s really important to us that our staff are happy and I think these things are also important to our people as well.

How has this benefit helped towards attracting new talent?

It’s relatively new still, so it’s hard to say exactly but those who have joined us since March have absolutely loved Juno. It’s something we offer to new employees straight away, so they immediately have access to Juno and receive points from us, and that’s gone down really well with new starters. 

Health and wellbeing is so important and people should feel supported by their employer from day one. 

What advice would you give to another employer looking to offer this benefit? 

Do it! We’ve only had positive reactions from our staff and it’s had such an amazing impact on the company. We get thank you messages from our people, we all share what we’re spending our points on, it’s just so nice. It’s truly brought us together as a team. 

Brightpearl are a genuine, people-first employer with an excellent approach to flexible working that prioritises employee wellbeing. Their Health & Wellbeing package is just the beginning of a long list of excellent benefits. If you'd like to find out more about Brightpearl's approach to flexible working or browse their latest vacancies, check out their Company Page!