Wayve • London

Lead Product Security Architect

2 days/week at home

A little flex time

Dog friendly

Job Description

Who are we?

Our team is at the forefront of developing autonomous vehicles using cutting-edge technology such as deep learning, computer vision, and reinforcement learning. We are a fast-growing company with a multi-national, world-class research team working on building a better future for self-driving cars.

Our approach to building autonomous vehicles is unique, we don't believe in telling an algorithm how to drive through hand-coded rules and expensive HD maps. Instead, we believe that using experience and data will allow our algorithms to be more intelligent, capable of easily adapting to new environments.

Our goal is to be the first to deploy autonomous vehicles in 100 cities across the world, bringing autonomy to everyone, everywhere.

Where you will have an impact

The Lead Product Security Architect sits within our wider Security Team and reports to the Head of Security.

You will be responsible for establishing Wayve’s Product Security function, ensuring we have the processes, tooling and structures in place to deliver security by design within our products, and comply with future regulatory obligations (e.g. R155).

You will partner with the technical and commercial teams responsible for developing/procuring our products, both onboard and offboard, to ensure security risks are identified and appropriately managed throughout the product lifecycle.

As a Lead Product Security Architect you will:

  • Work with the Head of Security to establish Wayve’s product security function
  • Define and deliver a roadmap of processes and other requirements necessary for Wayve to comply with relevant regulations and standards (e.g. R155 and ISO21434)
  • Ensure security risk is appropriately managed within our internally developed systems and services, and within our supply chain
  • Work with and upskill technical delivery teams on security good practices and processes to ensure our products are secure by design

What you will bring to Wayve


  • Experience securing complex public cloud environments
  • Experience delivering security by design throughout a product lifecycle
  • Experience undertaking security risk assessments
  • Experience with the scoping and delivery of security testing to assure the effectiveness of deployed controls
  • Able to effectively communicate and engage others on security matters to influence their decisions and ensure security is considered
  • Experience delivering in accordance with recognised industry security standards e.g. CIS Critical Security Controls, ISO27001, NIST CSF


  • Experience securing embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, and/or IP networks
  • Experience delivering security within a regulated environment
  • Experience with relevant automotive/operational cyber security standards i.e. ISO21434, IEC62443

What we offer you

  • Competitive salary and benefits
  • A dynamic and fast-paced work environment
  • The opportunity to shape the future of autonomous driving and tackle the biggest challenges of our time
  • Benefits such as an onsite chef, workplace nursery scheme, private health insurance, therapy, daily yoga, onsite bar, large social budgets, unlimited L&D requests, and more!
  • This is a full-time role based in our office in London. If your role is possible to do remotely, we support flexible working, including working for up to 2 weeks from anywhere in the world. We trust you to know what works best for your team and projects and ask that you have a healthy presence that enables the right meetings to happen in person and strong relationships to be built.

Wayve is built by people from all walks of life. We believe that it is our differences that make us stronger, and our unique perspectives and backgrounds that allow us to build something different. We are proud to be an equal opportunities workplace, where we don’t just embrace diversity but nurture it - so that we all thrive and grow.

Company benefits

Enhanced maternity leave – 8 weeks full pay, 16 weeks 50% pay
Enhanced paternity leave – 8 weeks full pay available (4 weeks at birth, another 4 weeks available in the first 2 years)
Adoption leave – statutory
Shared parental leave – statutory
25 days annual leave + bank holidays
Enhanced sick pay – 10 days full paid + statutory
Employees are largely happy with their working location freedom
Employees are very happy with the flexibility in the hours they work
Employees are largely happy with the benefits their company offers
Work-life balance
Employees feel that they can switch off quite easily from work
Role modelling
Employees feel that most people work flexibly
Employees feel they have complete autonomy over getting their work done

Working at Wayve

Company employees


Office locations

London, UK and Mountain View, California

Funding levels

$258 million

Hiring Countries

United Kingdom

United States

Awards & Achievements

Most flexible companies

Most flexible companies

Flexa100 2024
DeepTech, Data & AI

DeepTech, Data & AI

Industry awards 2023