

Pioneering AI for self-driving

We're Wayve, a leading developer of embodied intelligence for autonomous vehicles. We're using AI to create a next-generation approach to self-driving: AV2.0, which will enable a world with safer, smarter and more sustainable transportation. Let's drive the future together.

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2 days/week at home

A little flex time

Dog friendly

Benefits at Wayve

Enhanced maternity leave – 8 weeks full pay, 16 weeks 50% pay
Enhanced paternity leave – 8 weeks full pay available (4 weeks at birth, another 4 weeks available in the first 2 years)
Adoption leave – statutory
Shared parental leave – statutory
25 days annual leave + bank holidays
Enhanced sick pay – 10 days full paid + statutory

About Wayve

Wayve is a leading developer of embodied intelligence for autonomous vehicles. We use AI to pioneer a next-generation approach to self-driving: AV2.0, which enables fleet operators to unlock the benefits of AV technology at scale.

Founded in 2017, Wayve is made up of a diverse team of experts in machine learning, autonomous vehicles and robotics. We were the first to deploy AVs on public roads with end-to-end deep learning. Today, our teams are based in London and California, and we're testing AVs in cities across the UK.

Inspired by our vision for a smarter, safer, more sustainable world, we're looking for people who are passionate about building breakthrough solutions to some of the world’s most important challenges. If you're looking for an exciting opportunity with a dynamic team, get in touch!

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