Wayve • London

Field Engineer, Field Engineering

Job Description

Who are we?

At Wayve, we are developing breakthrough AI to reimagine mobility. We are solving autonomous vehicles differently by pioneering end-to-end deep learning which allows cars to drive in complex, never-seen-before environments. Our AV 2.0 driving system can adapt to any driving domain, vehicle platform or mobility need, delivering on the promise of a scalable, affordable solution that will transform the way we move about the world.

Founded in 2017, Wayve is made up of a global team of experts in machine learning and robotics. Wayve has raised over $258M and is backed by Eclipse Ventures, Balderton Capital and prominent technology leaders such as Sir Richard Branson and Yann LeCun. The team is headquartered in London with their fleet of vehicles testing in cities across the UK. Wayve aims to be the first to deploy autonomy in 100 cities.

Where you’ll have an impact

As a Field Engineer at Wayve, you will play a critical role in ensuring the reliability and performance of our autonomous vehicle fleet. Your work will directly impact the safety and efficiency of autonomous driving, and will help to push the boundaries of what is possible in this exciting and rapidly evolving field. By working closely with our software engineering and operations teams, you will help to identify and resolve hardware-related issues, improve our preventative maintenance procedures, and contribute to the ongoing development of our autonomous driving technology.

This means you will:

  • Troubleshoot and diagnose hardware issues in sensors, compute modules, and other hardware components.
  • Work closely with the software engineering team to understand how hardware issues impact software performance.
  • Collaborate with the operations team to develop and implement preventative maintenance procedures and protocols.
  • Provide technical support to field operations teams to diagnose and resolve hardware-related issues.
  • Develop and maintain a thorough understanding of Wayve's autonomous driving software and hardware systems.
  • Communicate effectively with cross-functional teams to identify and resolve issues in a timely manner.

What you’ll bring to Wayve


  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or related field.
  • 3+ years of experience in hardware troubleshooting and maintenance.
  • Strong understanding of sensors, compute modules, and other hardware components.
  • Experience with software for Linux-based systems.
  • Demonstrable exposure to C++ and Python in industry or in field robotics.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.


  • Autonomous Vehicle or ADAS Experience.
  • Strong programming skills (C++ and Python)

What we offer you

  • Attractive compensation with salary and equity
  • Immersion in a team of world-class researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs
  • A unique position to shape the future of autonomous driving and tackle the biggest challenge of our time
  • Bespoke learning and development opportunities
  • Relocation support with visa sponsorship
  • Flexible working hours - we trust you to do your job well, at times that suit you and your team
  • Private onsite chef, in-house bar, lots of socials, and more!

Wayve is built by people from all walks of life. We believe that it is our differences that make us stronger, and our unique perspectives and backgrounds that allow us to build something different. We are proud to be an equal opportunities workplace, where we don’t just embrace diversity but nurture it - so that we all thrive and grow.

Company benefits

Enhanced maternity leave – 8 weeks full pay, 16 weeks 50% pay
Enhanced paternity leave – 8 weeks full pay available (4 weeks at birth, another 4 weeks available in the first 2 years)
Adoption leave – statutory
Shared parental leave – statutory
25 days annual leave + bank holidays
Enhanced sick pay – 10 days full paid + statutory
Employees are largely happy with their working location freedom
Employees are very happy with the flexibility in the hours they work
Employees are largely happy with the benefits their company offers
Work-life balance
Employees feel that they can switch off quite easily from work
Role modelling
Employees feel that most people work flexibly
Employees feel they have complete autonomy over getting their work done

Working at Wayve

Company employees


Office locations

London, UK and Mountain View, California

Funding levels

$258 million

Hiring Countries

United Kingdom

United States

Awards & Achievements

Most flexible companies

Most flexible companies

Flexa100 2024
DeepTech, Data & AI

DeepTech, Data & AI

Industry awards 2023