V7 • United Kingdom

Technical Writer

Employment type:  Full time

4 days/week at home

Dog friendly

Job Description

A World-Changing Company

V7 is on a mission to automate humanity’s most important visual tasks, with an AI data platform recognised by Dealroom as the most promising breakout company of 2022. We have raised $10 million in seed funding and are backed by AI heavyweights, including the creators of Keras, Elixir and leaders at DeepMind, OpenAI and Wayve. We sharpen the cutting edge of the world's most innovative AI teams on a mission to disrupt their respective industries, from AI-native startups to large global enterprises. What sets us apart is our team's obsession with pushing our product to where AI will be three years from today. You can see a 90-second summary of our product here.

The Role

As a technical writer you’ll own the narrative of our documentation, helping our customers succeed by creating, maintaining, and improving documentation that supports users of V7’s product.

We view documentation as a key part of product development. Working at the intersection of users, product, and engineering, you will develop an understanding of user needs and our tech stack to help them get the most out of our software. You’ll be a thought partner with our product development teams, combining your communication skills with empathy for users and product knowledge. Your work will primarily be on written documentation, but may also include interactive tutorials, recorded demonstrations, or other communication channels.

Nothing is more important to a young company like ours than the excellence of our employees - in their performance, psychological wellbeing, and culture. We work hard to create a collaborative, high-trust environment for outstanding people to do outstanding work. We actively encourage vision and ownership in your role, and you will be generously rewarded for your contribution to the success of our customers and V7.

What We Value

  • Commitment to quality and accuracy in communication and writing, with the ability to translate complex technical subjects into clear, concise prose suited for the intended audience.
  • Ability to craft a narrative which will optimally engage technical readers.
  • Professional writing experience; technical writing experience is a plus.
  • Passion for technology- particular ML and the Computer Vision space.
  • Experience working with technical teammates, like deep learning engineers or product designers.
  • Ability to prioritize, adapt, and operate in unstructured environments as part of a fast-growing team.
  • Strong understanding of several of the following areas: Distributed systems integration with REST APIs, JSON & XML, Strong scripting proficiency in Python (essential), Javascript, Node.Js, C#, Java, or other scripting languages, cloud architecture
  • Visual information design skills are a plus.
  • Video content creation skills are a plus
  • -Experience with all aspects of the documentation development lifecycle, including: -Audience profiling. -Information gathering, interviewing, and research. -Content authoring, management, and online/web publishing.


  • Understand and communicate the value proposition of V7’s products.
  • Create user documentation in partnership with developers and business teams.
  • Review and edit documentation to maintain a high level of quality.
  • Identify, triage, and resolve needs in documentation.
  • Maintain style guides and best practices for writing, improving, and publishing documentation.
  • Working with V7 Support and Customer Success to help drive customer engagement and adoption through the following activities: -Manage and structure multi-stakeholder documentation projects. -Driving product adoption through carefully crafted content adapted to user journeys


  • Unlimited vacation, just tell us when you need time off
  • Stock options
  • Work from anywhere
  • 7-day company retreats in stunning locations
  • New Apple hardware
  • Paid tickets, accommodation, and travel to relevant conferences, nationally or internationally (NeurIPS, ICCV, CVPR, ...) to expand your network & knowledge during normal times
  • Central London office with standing desks and 4K monitors
  • Unlimited high-quality coffee, tea, snacks, and other comforts every day

Company benefits

Work from anywhere scheme
Unlimited annual leave
Co-working space allowance
Teambuilding days
Teambuilding holidays

The FlexScore® is the result of a rigorous 2-step verification of a company’s flexibility

First we assess the flexibility options V7 provides and then we anonymously survey a statistically significant proportion of their employees to make sure V7 is as flexible as they say they are. Our assessment is based on the six key elements of flexibility: location, hours, autonomy, benefits, role modelling and work-life balance.

We ask the hard questions so you don’t have to.

Working at V7

Company employees


Gender diversity (male:female)


Office locations


Funding levels

$10million Seed stage

Hiring Countries

United Kingdom

Awards & Achievements



Industry awards 2022