V7 • London, United Kingdom

Commercial Account Manager

Employment type:  Full time

4 days/week at home

Dog friendly

Job Description

Salary: up to £140k OTE

If you're not familiar with V7, here's what we do.

V7 is an AI data platform to automate any visual task, voted by Forbes as one of the top 25 machine learning startups of 2021. We have raised $10 million in seed funding and are backed by AI heavyweights, including the creators of Keras and Elixir and leaders at DeepMind, OpenAI and Wayve. We sharpen the cutting edge of the world's most innovative AI teams on a mission to disrupt their respective industries, from AI-native startups to large global enterprises. What sets us apart is our team's obsession with pushing our product to where AI will be three years from today.

As a commercial account manager at V7 you will drive account renewal and expansion in our SMB and MM accounts. You will maintain our industry-leading NRR numbers and set customers up with the platform and services they need. We are a fast growing team and need people who will help us shape the iteration of Account Management at V7. Our customers are the world's most innovative AI teams, using V7 to automate cancer detection, nuclear decommissioning, agriculture, forest fire prevention and more.

The ideal candidate for this role has previously worked in account management at a high-growth SaaS software company. We seek candidates who can quickly build trust and credibility with key stakeholders, mapping accounts and designing expansion strategies of mutual benefit. V7 strives for efficient and effective commercial operations - you will have access to proactive support from marketing, commercial operations, customer success, business development, and engineering in supporting your deals.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Carrying a quarterly net revenue retention quota across a large book of SMB and MM customers
  • Identify and execute on upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities in your portfolio
  • Developing relationships with strategic decision makers and aligning V7 to their objectives
  • Developing and implementing account strategies to help customers realise their goals
  • Executing & iterating on our playbook to bring more data, value, and structure to how we work
  • Working cross-functionally to align V7 teams in improving account management workflows
  • Owning key metrics, inspiring high performance, and raising the bar for a top 1% team


  • 2+ years of experience in a SaaS account management or sales role.
  • Proven track record of exceeding quotas.
  • Confidence in discussing technical products with technical stakeholders.
  • Ability to speak and write in English fluently.

Nice to haves

  • Past experience managing large portfolios of SMB and MM clients.
  • AI industry knowledge.
  • Ability to speak and write in German, French, Spanish, or Portuguese.


Stock options

Unlimited vacation, just tell us when you need time off

7-day company retreats in stunning locations.

New Apple hardware

Paid tickets, accommodation, and travel to relevant conferences, nationally or internationally (NeurIPS, ICCV, CVPR, ...) to expand your network & knowledge during normal times

Unlimited high-quality coffee, tea, snacks, and other comforts every day

Company benefits

Work from anywhere scheme
Unlimited annual leave
Co-working space allowance
Teambuilding days
Teambuilding holidays

The FlexScore® is the result of a rigorous 2-step verification of a company’s flexibility

First we assess the flexibility options V7 provides and then we anonymously survey a statistically significant proportion of their employees to make sure V7 is as flexible as they say they are. Our assessment is based on the six key elements of flexibility: location, hours, autonomy, benefits, role modelling and work-life balance.

We ask the hard questions so you don’t have to.

Working at V7

Company employees


Gender diversity (male:female)


Office locations


Funding levels

$10million Seed stage

Hiring Countries

United Kingdom

Awards & Achievements



Industry awards 2022