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What is remote first?

What are the benefits of a remote-first company and how do you transition to become one?

22nd Apr 2024

Remote-first is a flexible working arrangement where companies have a centralised office but prioritise remote working.

Employees then can decide where they wish to work, whether that's remote the majority of the time, a few days in the office and a few days remotely, or something else that fits their working needs better.

Remote-first companies will also often come together for team meet-ups on an infrequent basis. E.g. monthly or quarterly.

Remote-first is different to fully remote because in fully-remote environments there is no physical office.

What are the benefits of remote-first working?

Recruit top talent

Being a remote-first company sets you apart by giving employees choice as to where they want to work. With the opportunity for remote work, it widens your talent pool, but having a physical office caters for those who enjoy being in the office, whether that be full-time or a couple of times per week. When you're not limited by geography, you can hire the best talent from anywhere in the world. This can be a great advantage for companies in highly competitive industries or locations.

Improved work-life balance

Remote work gives employees greater flexibility and control over their schedules and work environment, which can lead to improved work-life balance and reduced stress. This can be especially beneficial for employees with caregiving responsibilities, health needs, or long commutes.

Cost savings

Having an office can be a costly expense, particularly if you’re located in larger cities, with fewer employees in the office and you’ll require a smaller space. It’s essential to be mindful of the security risks of working remotely; with the proper training and tools, this can be managed. 

Positive environmental impact

Working remotely may help reduce greenhouse gas emissions; someone who used to commute daily by car now works from home. Helping to also reduce traffic, particularly during rush hour, which has an effect on air quality and pollution. 

Increased productivity

Giving employees a choice on where they want to work allows them to decide where they work most productively - whether from the office, remotely or a combination of both. Many employees find that they are more productive and focused when working remotely, free from the distractions and interruptions of a traditional office environment. With the right tools and processes in place, remote-first companies can harness this increased productivity to drive better business results.

Greater resilience and adaptability

Remote-first companies are inherently more flexible and adaptable than traditional office-based companies. They are better equipped to handle disruptions or changes in the business environment, and can more easily scale up or down as needed.

More diverse and inclusive teams

Remote-first companies can attract and retain a more diverse range of employees, including those who may face barriers to traditional office-based work. This can lead to more innovative and creative teams, and a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture.

How to make the transition to remote first

If you're considering making the transition to a remote-first model, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Communicate the vision and benefits: Make sure everyone in the company understands the reasons behind the shift to remote first, and the benefits it can offer for both the business and individual employees. Be transparent and open to feedback throughout the process.
  2. Invest in the right tools and technology: To support effective remote work, you'll need to invest in the right tools and technology, such as video conferencing software, project management platforms, and secure cloud storage. Make sure everyone has access to the tools they need and knows how to use them effectively. Read our ‘4 tech tools for remote teams’ blog to find out more. 
  3. Establish clear policies and expectations: Create clear policies and guidelines around remote work, including expectations for availability, communication, and performance. Make sure these policies are well-documented and easily accessible to all employees.
  4. Create a remote-first culture: Creating a strong remote-first culture is key to the success of this model. Encourage regular communication and collaboration, celebrate remote work successes, and find ways to build social connections and team cohesion, even when apart.