Why I love Working From Home (WFH) At Conker
An insight from Conker's Executive Assistant to CEO, Sara Monteiro.
4th Oct 2021

The advantages of Working From Home (WFH)
One day I was reading an article on Sifted, by Tim Smith, titled “Staff love Working From Home. Bosses… not so much”, and - boy oh boy - I felt like a lucky girl.
I recently started working at Conker on a totally remote basis which, as an introvert by nature, I absolutely love. I know it’s not for everyone. Personally, when home working I am more productive for so many reasons. Firstly, I don’t waste time and energy commuting, and thus I can wake up at a reasonable time, do my workout and feel fresh as a peach by the start of my working day. I also do not get to the end of the day overwhelmed by the amount of social interactions that inevitably happen within an office.
I can simply crack on with my work and just take a short break if I feel my focus is slipping away. I can catch up with anyone easily via video call for a quick meeting whenever I need to, so I feel like I have just the right amount of contact with people.
Most of all, I’m happy managing my own time, which I wasn’t able to do when working at an office under managers’ supervision. Each person’s work flow is a little different, which can be a problem - mainly if you work under people who have the tendency to micromanage. They will somehow pressure you (oftentimes unintentionally), to make things their way rather than the way it would be better for you, thus for the quality of your work and ultimately for the company.
If you have workplace flexibility you are also able to manage your workload in whatever way is more efficient for you, things will run smoothly and everyone - employees, employers and, most importantly, clients - will be happy! As long as you are responsible enough to handle things in due time and with quality.
Top tips when Working From Home (WFH)
A few tips that have been working for me, in case you are in the same situation and having trouble with it:
- Try to work standing most of the time - your brain won’t have as much tendency to relax, you’ll be more energetic and have less back pain.
- If you can, work out, or at least go on a daily walk to make sure you move your body and you get out of the house.
- Do a little stretching, if not in the morning, at least on your big break, and after work.
- Last but not least, do not have your personal cell phone on your work desk, avoid open social media, etc.