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Staying At Unplugged

21st Dec 2022

What are unplugged stays?

Unplugged stays involve voluntarily giving your phones, laptops and social media up for a period of time, offering a complete digital detox to reset in the surroundings of nature. Stays are located in off-the-grid minimalist yet modern cabins located across the UK. 

Many of us use the internet and social media daily for personal, work or both. It’s a chance for you to completely reset in a world where it’s difficult to switch off.

What it's like staying at Unplugged

Some of the team at Flexa have stayed at Unplugged at utilised this fantastic well-being benefit to recharge, rest and reset. Find out their thoughts and experience of staying at Unplugged and how it’s been beneficial to them. 

Farah - SEO & Content Lead

"Unplugged was a great experience to switch off and have a mini break away from home. I opted to go solo, and although daunting at first, I am so glad I went. It was refreshing, and needless to say, having a break away from technology was well-needed. I struggled to completely switch off from technology as I like to listen to podcasts frequently and am a bit of a workaholic, but I would definitely go again”.

Aqua - Operations & Partnerships Lead

“It is so nice to work for a company that cares for its people outside of work. Going to Unplugged was such a brilliant benefit, especially since I got to bring my partner and pup with me. Work can be stressful sometimes, and working in a startup can definitely feel like you're always "on", so going away for a 3-day complete digital detox with the two most important parts of my life (human + doggo) was well needed and very much well enjoyed.

Fliss - Design Lead

“For me, Unplugged was like a forced yet magical break. Myself and my partner took our two rescue dogs for their first holiday to Luna in Cheshire, and it was so heartwarming to be able to see them flourish away from civilisation. We read books, drank wine, and cooked some delicious food (except when we ordered a curry to a field). We all returned refreshed with a calm mind - ready to take on the world again”.

Molly - Co-founder at Flexa

"Unplugged offers the perfect opportunity to switch off and remember what life is like without your phone. As founders, we're always on, which can become pretty overwhelming after a while. We have been twice and have booked a third trip already! We love the cabins, and the fire in the winter is amazing. The little touches of the map, tapes, and games make the cabin a wonderful place to spend time and digitally detox. The fact that they are dog-friendly is superb, too. It's become an annual staple for us, and we can't wait to go back."