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South Asian Heritage Month: Insights from Virgin Media O2’s Enrich Network Co-chair

To celebrate South Asian Heritage Month, we spoke with Henna Tank, Co-chair of the Enrich Network and Operational Improvement Manager at Virgin Media O2. Henna shares how her South Asian heritage and London upbringing shape her vision for an inclusive workplace.

15th Aug 2024

4 minutes

To mark South Asian Heritage Month, we had the privilege of chatting with Henna Tank, Co-chair of the Enrich Network and Operational Improvement Manager at Virgin Media O2. Henna discussed the significance of creating an inclusive and diverse work environment.

Virgin Media O2 is committed to championing the Global Majority by tackling systemic issues and actively promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. Henna’s South Asian heritage and London upbringing allow her to merge traditional values with a contemporary British perspective. This unique blend fuels her passion for cultivating a workplace that truly mirrors the diversity of our customer base. In this Q&A Henna shares her insights on how Virgin Media O2 is dedicated to building a diverse team that reflects the vibrant, varied world we serve.

Can you tell us more about your role as Co-chair of the Enrich Network and Operational Improvement Manager at Virgin Media O2?

As an Operational Improvement manager within Monitoring, I proactively seek improved ways of working, whether it be through integration, enhanced reporting, automation or process evolution. Simultaneously, I also take on the responsibility of one of the co-chairs of our Enrich Network, which represents people from Global Majority groups. As a collective, we advocate for the empowerment of all employees regardless of race, ethnicity or religion. 

What inspired you to take on a leadership role within the Enrich Network?

I was previously a member of the network and regularly attended sessions, and over time I started to get more involved with network events; facilitating conversations and providing my own opinions regarding diversity in the organisation and so on. Soon after, a position of co-chair opened up, which was a brilliant opportunity for me to become more integrated with the network.  

How does your South Asian heritage influence your approach to promoting diversity and inclusion at Virgin Media O2?

Being a London-born South Asian, I’ve adopted an interesting mix of both cultures. I understand contemporary British values while being firmly grounded in my origins and culture. I’ve developed a deep appreciation of diverse perspectives and cultural sensitivity which drives my commitment to nurture an inclusive environment where everyone should feel valued and respected. By integrating these values, I aim to promote a diverse professional culture where everyone can thrive and contribute to collective success, while being free to be their authentic self. 

What are some of the key initiatives Virgin Media O2 has implemented to support diversity and inclusion?

Virgin Media O2 consistently supports our employee resource networks, clearly demonstrating their commitment to prioritising DE&I. There’s a wide range of initiatives from fun events and activities where we celebrate religious events and occasions, coupled with the space and time to discuss more serious topics which might be impacting our community. This is alongside projects that focus on the data or insight around our employee base, or training to help Virgin Media O2 become a more inclusive and equitable company. 

How do you ensure that the values of equality, diversity, and inclusion are reflected in your day-to-day operations?

In my day job and in my role as co-chair of the Enrich network, I want to help create a “safe space” for all employees. 

By consciously taking the time out to listen and hear people’s different perspectives and experiences, we can learn to build a culture as a community which empowers all members. Only through demonstrating empathy in a safe environment can we ensure progress for our organisation and society. 

Can you share an example of a successful diversity and inclusion program or event at Virgin Media O2?

The SWITCH programme is a clear initiative that explicitly demonstrates Virgin Media O2’s campaign for an inclusive and diverse workforce. It’s a programme for our promising and talented individuals of Black Heritage, to develop their skills so they can move into senior leadership positions. 

How does Virgin Media O2 address systemic issues that affect the global majority?

Virgin Media O2 consistently encourages and promotes the work by Enrich and our network members. They facilitate safe spaces for members of the Global Majority during challenging times, and demonstrate through positive action that our colleagues’ safety is a top priority. Additionally, our newly embedded senior leadership network sponsors arrange sessions where they can directly hear from the workforce who are from the Global Majority and ensure time is provided to listen to stories and ideas that colleagues may propose that support inclusion. 

How do you see the future of diversity and inclusion evolving at Virgin Media O2 and in the broader business world?

Long term, I hope to enable Virgin Media O2 to be the trailblazer in DE&I across the telecoms industry. Through meaningful action such as; piloting diversity projects, key partnerships and keeping up to date on the latest strategies and developments, we can grow to become one of the leading enablers for inclusion. So far, Virgin Media O2 has been brilliant in facilitating the advocacy of the Global Majority, however we are fully aware the work will continue for a long time to come.

By celebrating South Asian Heritage Month and learning from leaders like Henna Tank, Virgin Media O2 demonstrates its commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. Henna’s blend of traditional and contemporary values offers a unique perspective that drives positive change, ensuring that the company continues to reflect the diversity of its customer base.