top 3 scores:
Hours flexibility
Location flexibility
Job Description
Company benefits
Shared parental leave
Enhanced paternity leave
Enhanced maternity leave
Adoption leave
Health insurance
Dental coverage
Non-contributory pension
Annual bonus
Share options
Life assurance
Cycle to work scheme
Faith rooms
Pregnancy loss leave
Fertility treatment leave
Carer’s leave
Open to job sharing
Open to part time work for some roles
Gym membership
Compassionate leave
Menstrual leave
Bank holiday swaps
Volunteer days
Employee assistance programme
Salary sacrifice
Charity donation scheme
L&D budget
Enhanced sick pay
Enhanced sick days
Mental health platform access
Travel loan
We asked employees of Brit Insurance what it's like to work there, and this is what they told us.
Location flexibilityEmployees are largely happy with their working location freedom
Hours flexibilityEmployees are largely happy with the flexibility in the hours they work
BenefitsEmployees are largely happy with the benefits their company offers
Work-life balanceEmployees feel that they can switch off quite easily from work
Role modellingEmployees feel that most people work flexibly
AutonomyEmployees feel that they can mostly manage how they get their own work done
Working at Brit Insurance
Company employees
Approximately 650
Gender diversity (male:female)
Currently Hiring Countries
United Kingdom
Office Locations