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Surviving redundancy: how to manage your mental health and well-being

In this blog we’re sharing top tips on how to manage your mental health and well-being when going through redundancy and guidance on how to find your next dream role. 

15th May 2024

Nobody quite prepares you for redundancy. It’s a mix of emotions, from self-doubt to fear and uncertainty and it can take a toll on your mental health and well-being. Work takes up a large chunk of our lives, and when that routine and purpose is taken away from us overnight it can be hard to let go and adjust. 

However, while losing your job is undeniably painful, it’s only one part of your career journey. With the right strategies and mindset, you can navigate the emotional rollercoaster redundancy brings and come out the other side stronger, wiser, and ready to tackle your next adventure. In this blog we’ve put together some top tips on how to manage your mental health and well-being when going through redundancy along with guidance on how to find your next dream role. 

8 tips to help you manage your mental health during redundancy 

1. Feel all the feels

First things first: it's okay to not be okay. Redundancy can trigger a whirlwind of emotions, from shock and disbelief to anger, sadness, and even shame. Don't try to bottle these feelings up or pretend they don't exist. Instead, give yourself permission to feel them fully. Acknowledging your emotions is the first step to processing them in a healthy way. It might help to speak to someone about how you’re feeling or write it all down. 

2. Reframe the narrative

It's easy to fall into the trap of negative self-talk during redundancy. Thoughts like "I wasn't good enough," "I'll never find another job," or "I'm a failure" can quickly spiral out of control. But here's the thing - these thoughts are not facts. They're just stories your mind is telling you, and you have the power to rewrite the narrative.

Instead of dwelling on what you've lost, try to focus on the opportunities that lie ahead. Maybe this is the push you need to finally pursue that dream career, start your own business, or take a much-needed break to reassess your priorities. Reframing redundancy as a chance for growth and change can help you maintain a more positive outlook.

Lean on your support system

Redundancy can be an isolating experience, but you don't have to go through it alone. Now more than ever, it's important to lean on your support system. Reach out to friends, family, and colleagues who have been through similar experiences. Share your feelings, fears, and hopes for the future. Sometimes just knowing that you're not alone can make all the difference.

Consider joining a support group for people who have experienced job loss. Connecting with others who understand what you're going through can provide validation, encouragement, and valuable insights. Plus, you might just make some new friends along the way.

3. Prioritise self-care

When you're in the midst of redundancy stress, self-care can quickly fall by the wayside. But now more than ever, it's essential to prioritise your physical and emotional well-being. Make time for activities that bring you joy and help you relax, whether that's yoga, painting, or binge-watching your favourite Netflix show.

Don't forget the basics, either. Eat well, stay hydrated, and aim for regular exercise, even if it's just a daily walk. A healthy body can do wonders for a healthy mind.

4. Get a mentor or career coach 

A mentor can be a great help in getting back on track and figuring out your next career move. Feeling overwhelmed about your next role is normal, but talking to someone about it may give you the clarity you need.

5. Dedicate time for the job hunt

It's easy to get caught up in applying for jobs all day, every day, but this can quickly become overwhelming. Instead, carve out specific time slots for job applications to increase your productivity. Use this time not only to apply for jobs but also to update your CV, reach out to your network, and explore new job opportunities.

However, don't feel pressured to jump right back into the job search if you're not ready. If you have the means, consider taking some time off to rest, recharge, and reflect on what you really want from your career and life. Sometimes, a little break can provide the clarity and perspective you need to move forward with confidence.

6. Learn something new

Take the opportunity to invest in yourself and broaden your skill set. Think about taking online courses or workshops that match your field or interests. You could learn a new programming language, get better at using a software tool, or even earn a certification in your industry. Not only does up skilling look good on your CV, but it also shows employers that you're all about continuous learning, which they will value.

7. Take on a volunteering role

Volunteering is a great way to keep busy, stay connected, and give back to the community. Use websites like Reach Volunteering to find roles that match your interests or skills. This will help you keep your skills up-to-date, learn new ones, and gain experience in areas you might not have tried before. It's also a good way to get a taste of industries you may not have much experience in.

8. Seek professional help

If you find yourself struggling to cope with the emotional impact of redundancy, don't hesitate to seek professional help and reach out to mental health services and charities. A therapist or counsellor can provide a safe, non-judgmental space to process your feelings and develop coping strategies. They can also help you identify any underlying mental health issues that may be exacerbated by job loss, such as anxiety or depression.

Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign of strength and self-awareness. 

How to use Flexa to find your next role

If you’re looking for your next flexible role, we can help!

By joining Flexa, you can search for jobs based not only on your lifestyle but also on the type of company you want to work for, considering their benefits and ways of working.

Our search filters now include more benefits than ever before, helping you find a role that suits your lifestyle. From enhanced maternity leave, job sharing, and sabbaticals to dog-friendly offices, L&D budgets, and much more.

But that's not all! You can also filter by the best companies to work for, rated by their employees, and by what they value the most in their work culture. This includes autonomy, work-life balance, benefits, and how their leadership team models flexible working.

Start your search today and find the perfect role with the perks you've been dreaming of. 

Register here to get started.