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4 steps to take before applying for a remote job

Ready to apply for your dream remote job? Before you hit apply, make sure you've covered these four important steps to set yourself up for success.

2nd Apr 2024

In this blog, we will run through everything you need to know about the remote job application process and how you can prepare to stand out as a candidate.

In this blog, we will cover: 

  • What is a remote job?
  • Why do you need to tailor your application for a remote job?
  • 4 ways to prepare for your remote application

What is a remote job?

A remote job lets you work outside of the traditional office environment, usually from the comfort of your own home. However, you're not limited to your home office - you can also work from other remote locations, such as a local coffee shop or a co-working space. Or you may work hybrid, which is a type of flexible work arrangement that combines remote work with in-office work.

Why do you need to tailor your application for a remote job?

Working remotely is different from being in an office environment. While your output should remain the same, it's important to recognise and adapt to the differences when applying for remote roles. Remote work often demands a higher level of self-discipline and accountability in managing your tasks and time effectively, so it's essential to demonstrate these attributes when looking for remote opportunities. Employers value candidates who can thrive in a remote setting, showcasing not only their professional skills but also their ability to work autonomously and stay motivated. Highlighting these skills in your application can significantly increase your chances of success in securing a remote role.

4 ways to prepare for your remote application 

1. Do your research: To begin with, you need to find out everything you can about the company and role you are applying for. Familiarise yourself with the company's values, culture, and remote work policies and understand their products or services, target audience, and competitors as much as you can. If they have a careers page, look at how they currently work and whether there are any specific details about their flexible working policies. 

2. Understand the hiring process: Look into the company's remote hiring process to better prepare yourself. Understand the steps involved, from submitting your application to receiving an offer, and how you can best present yourself at each stage. For example, if they have said that the third stage will require you to complete a role-specific task, think about how you can get ahead of the game and show the skills needed for this task in your CV or cover letter. 

3. Update your LinkedIn and CV: Check that your LinkedIn profile and CV are up-to-date, and highlight the most relevant skills for the job you are applying for. Customise your LinkedIn headline and summary to highlight your remote work experience, skills, and achievements and showcase any relevant remote work projects or collaborations, emphasising your ability to work effectively in a distributed team. Additionally, consider including links to your online portfolio or professional social media profiles to provide further evidence of your qualifications and expertise.

4. Tailor your application: To stand out as a candidate, you need to make sure your application is tailored to the role you are applying for. If you are applying for a communications role, for example, you’ll want to lead with your experience in this area and the impact you made. Think about the challenges the company may be facing that you can help with, and address these in your application. By tailoring your application, you'll increase your chances of capturing the employer's attention and standing out as a qualified candidate for the remote role.