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Reclaiming time in recruitment: automation vs human touch

In this blog the team at Cronofy share their findings after surveying 12,000 candidates across seven countries to understand their frustrations with the hiring process.

20th Sep 2024

The demand for personalised candidate experience has never been higher. As the market for top talent grows increasingly competitive, hiring teams are often stretched thin, struggling to provide the personal touch and timely feedback that candidates crave. How can automation help address these heavier workloads without sacrificing the human touch? 

Cronofy surveyed 12,000 candidates across seven countries to understand their frustrations with the hiring process. The results are clear: candidates want better communication, faster processes, and a balance between technology and personal interaction. Let’s dive into what these outcomes mean in practice.

Candidates frustrations and the need for better communication

Candidates are frustrated by poor communication, with 28% citing a lack of responsiveness as their top frustration in recruiting. As candidates increasingly seek meaningful interactions, the pressure on recruiters to deliver a seamless, personalised experience continues to rise. However, many find that time-consuming tasks like manual interview scheduling consume valuable hours that could be better spent engaging with candidates. This disconnect not only frustrates candidates but can also damage your employer brand, as candidates share their experiences on public platforms.

Where candidates want to see automation

Candidates aren’t just open to automation — in fact, they’re seeking it to enhance their experience. Interview scheduling stands out as a prime area where candidates see the most value in automation, with 37% expressing a desire for this process to be automated. Moreover, 62% prefer the flexibility to select their own interview times from provided slots. 

Automation can streamline repetitive tasks such as back-and-forth emailing to find suitable times, reducing delays and avoiding errors. It can free up time for recruiters to focus on providing thoughtful, personaliszed feedback where it matters most. Rather than replacing human interaction, automation serves as an enabler, allowing recruiters to balance efficiency with the personal touch that candidates crave.

Effective automation isn’t just about convenience; it’s about respecting candidates’ time and expectations, which forms a positive impression. This gives companies looking to recruit top talent a competitive edge. A staggering 42% of candidates have withdrawn from a recruitment process because it took too long to schedule an interview, and 48% say that frustrating scheduling would make them less likely to recommend or engage with the company in the future. In a world where candidates are quick to share their experiences on platforms like Glassdoor, these frustrations can significantly harm your employer brand. This not only affects your ability to attract talent but can also have long-term implications for your company’s reputation within the industry.

Balancing automation with human touch

Despite the growing demand for automation, candidates still want — and need — the human touch. 81% of candidates emphasised the importance of having someone to contact during the recruitment process. This highlights a critical point: automation should complement human interaction by handling routine tasks, enabling recruiters to deliver the personal attention that enhances candidate experience. For instance, while automation can streamline scheduling and initial communications, recruiters can use the time to provide personalised feedback, address candidate concerns, and build stronger relationships. However, over-reliance on automation could risk depersonalising the process, making it crucial to strike the right balance.

Empowering recruiters: how to enhance human connection with automation

Automation is not a fix-all solution, but should be viewed as a powerful tool to help recruiters reclaim time for the human elements that truly matter. Strategic automation improves communication and the overall hiring experience by ensuring every interaction adds value. The key lies in knowing which tasks to automate and which require a personal touch, ensuring that the recruitment process remains both efficient and empathetic.

Ready to learn more? Dive into Cronofy’s 2024 Candidate Expectations Report to explore what candidates really want from the hiring process and how automation can help you deliver it.on.