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Let Your Employees Choose How and Where They Work 

7th Mar 2022

Photo by Brooke Cagle.

A guest feature piece written by Helena Sampayo at our brilliant partner Hubble.

The Hubble Pass: The Benefits of Letting Your Employees Choose How and Where They Want to Work 

Choice. Every human craves it. Not only is it the purest form of free will, but the ability to make choices has become synonymous with control—and it’s been integral to our survival and wellbeing. 

According to studies, if people perform tasks that involve choice, however trivial, they’re usually more enjoyable than tasks without it. This often leads to improved performance as ‘choice’ is thought to induce greater feelings of confidence and success for individuals. 

So, with this in mind, should employers still be telling their employees how and where they should work? For us at Hubble, the short answer is…no. The past two years have radically transformed the world of work forever, and employees are expecting a lot more flexibility.
Photo by Christina.

This, along with autonomy and choice, is now the number one demand for workers worldwide. As a result, the need to access on-demand workspace has skyrocketed as many employees seek out top-quality spaces to work effectively—no matter where they are in the world.

At Hubble, we make this easy with one of our flagship products: the Hubble Pass. The Hubble Pass is your all-access ticket to a global network of on-demand workspace in 300+ locations, spanning 90+ cities and 25+ countries (and counting!)

But how does the Hubble Pass work exactly? And what are the benefits of giving employees this level of choice over how and where they want to work? As the world’s first hybrid workplace platform, Hubble’s here to help:

What is the Hubble Pass?

For the past two years, Hubble’s been on a mission to help businesses find the right balance between office and remote working. We do this via our four flagship products: The Workplace Strategy Tool, Hubble HQ, Hubble Perks (beta) and, of course, the Hubble Pass

Depending on their workplace needs, businesses can either use one of these products or a combination of all four. But rest assured, we’ve designed each product to empower businesses of all sizes to configure and implement their ideal workplace strategy.

The Hubble Pass is a flexible membership that enables flexible teams to work how they want, when they want. It’s a credits-based system; a company admin buys the credits, and the team uses these to access a whole range of on-demand workspace, such as:

All of these workspaces are available to book across 600+ locations worldwide (and counting!). Whether you’re in London, Lisbon or Los Angeles, the Hubble Pass is suitable for companies who’d like to give their employees autonomy over how and where they work. 

“I would highly recommend Hubble to any dispersed teams. The Fika team has found the Hubble Pass hugely valuable, and it does wonders for your focus and mental fitness” Lauren Salter, People and Culture Manager at Fika

How does the Hubble Pass work?

Credits are what allows you to book on-demand workspace on the Hubble Pass platform. You can either get credits by opting for a pay-as-you-go plan or a monthly rolling plan. Both are equally as flexible, but here’s a quick lowdown on the key differences: 


Top up whenever you need

Clue’s in the name! Our pay-as-you-go plan allows you to top up credits whenever you need them—giving you the ultimate flexibility and control over your work schedule.

Ideal for ad-hoc bookings 

Let’s say you’ve got a group brainstorming session in the diary, or you’re planning to meet with clients. The pay-as-you-go plan allows you to book the occasional meeting room or private day office whenever you need it.

Monthly rolling plan

Fully customisable 

With the monthly rolling plan, you can calculate and choose the exact number of credits your team will need each month. What’s more, you can easily decrease and increase this amount based on your usage, so you’re always in control. 

Zero wastage 

We don’t want you to ever miss out on working in an environment that suits you best. That’s why we roll over any unused credits to the following month. 

Super flexible

As it’s a flexible membership, you can cancel anytime you’d like—giving you the ultimate control over your cash flow and company strategies. Whether you need to upgrade, downgrade or cancel altogether, you can do whichever is right for your business.

Top up at any time

If you need to top up quickly, you can easily purchase pay-as-you-go credits. We’ll also bill you in one single invoice to make life easier. 

Intrigued to find out how many credits your business would need? Check out our Hubble Pass calculator where you can estimate how much a rolling monthly plan would cost. 

What are the on-demand workspaces on the platform like? 

What’s great about the workspaces on the platform is that they’re all unique. Whether you’re looking for a change of scenery in a local coworking space or a private day office to brainstorm away for competitors’ earshots, the Hubble Pass will have something for you. 

“At Hubble, we believe that the workplace should be fluid, not fixed. We are humans after all, not machinery in a factory. We need different spaces, for different activities, for different people at different times”  Tushar Agarwal, CEO and Co-founder of Hubble 

Coworking spaces

The coworking spaces on the platform have all been selected for both their quality and convenience. They will usually offer a wide range of the amenities, such as:

  • Phone booths
  • Bars and cafes
  • Lightning-fast WiFi
  • Rooftop terraces
  • Presentation suites
  • Free printing

And much, much more.

Private day offices

Once you arrive at a private day office, you can expect to find a clean space that’s fully equipped with desks and chairs, ready for you to start working effectively. And with most daily office rental bookings, you’ll also be able to use the wider facilities the workspace has.

Meeting rooms by the hour

Again, the meeting rooms on the platform will vary depending on the workspace you choose. But you can expect to find a clean space that’s fully-equipped with desks, chairs, stationery and interactive whiteboards. 

Event space

Many of the on-demand workspaces on Hubble also offer top-quality event space. These can either be a conference room or an event space with stages, catering and drinks. If you’d like to organise an event for your team, reach out to us directly and we can help.
Photo by Brooke Cagle.

Hubble Pass ‘social features’

So, there’s plenty of workspace options to explore on the Hubble Pass platform—depending on what you’re specifically after. But this level of flexibility and choice doesn’t just stop at searching for a workspace; you can also control how you go about booking it.

With the Hubble Pass, you can integrate your account with your iCal and company Slack, so you can easily see when and where your team plans to work. We call these our Hubble Pass ‘social features’, and they’re designed to help create transparency amongst teams. 

Once a colleague’s booking is confirmed, your team will be notified in a designated Slack channel or calendar app of your choice. From there, you’ll easily be able to add yourself to the booking and work alongside them in just one click. 

However, you may just want to do focused, solo work in a great space from time to time—and not have your whole team notified about it. You can do this with our “Incognito bookings” feature, so you can book your chosen workspace with confidence. 

What are the benefits of the Hubble Pass?

You only pay for what you use

Businesses can flex their credit plans up and down, depending on the usage data.

A happier and more productive workforce

Studies have shown that the lonelier you are, the more likely you'll exhibit depressive symptoms. In the workplace, this can manifest as employees being unable to go the extra mile to help a colleague or support the company's mission.

So, by enabling your employees to work in environments that best support their work, you’re way more likely to have a happier and more productive workforce. It also shows you're being proactive in taking their needs into account, which also helps retain top talent. 

Easily attract, retain and nurture top talent

Once the workplace lost its gravitational pull in 2020, it was proven that most knowledge-based workers could truly work from anywhere—whether it’s a workspace down the road from their apartment or a country where their relatives reside. 

Employees all over the world have now acquired a taste for the flexibility it’s offered, and, as such, the war for talent has transformed tremendously. Companies who don’t offer this to their employees will be left behind and those who do, will ultimately win the war for the world’s best talent.

“My team absolutely loves the Hubble Pass—for them, it brings a lot of different benefits. For some, it offers them a place to meet colleagues outside the office. Others really like the change of scenery, especially if they're doing creative work, or if they're just a bit bored. It's also really great for collaborative work; being able to switch up and do things in different parts of the city in a way that’s fair, so that one person doesn't always get a really long commute and another a really short one” Rachel Carrell, Founder & CEO at Koru Kids. 

Can large companies be flexible?

Absolutely! The Hubble Pass is suitable for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Of course, the larger the workforce, the more employees you’ll need to please—and giving them on-demand workspace is a highly effective way of managing this.


The Hubble Pass is an incredibly effective solution at giving your teammates flexibility and freedom over how and where they work. With it, you’re more likely to create happier and more productive workforces— as well as attracting potential talent. 

You can still set rules and expectations—such as the default being for everyone to attend brainstorming sessions in-person—but the key difference is that you won’t be ordering employees to work in an environment that may be difficult for them to perform well in. 

Instead, you’ll be empowering employees to do what they were designed to do; to make choices—and for us at Hubble, this forward-thinking approach is the future.