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How to write the best remote job application

9th Apr 2024

Are you tired of the traditional 9-to-5 grind everyday in the office and yearning for more freedom and flexibility in your work life? If so, you're not alone! 

Remote work has emerged as a game-changer in the job market, offering people like you unprecedented flexibility and a world of opportunities.

Working from the comfort of your own home or any location you desire (but let's not confuse that with work from anywhere schemes) has opened up many remote job options. However, this newfound freedom also brings increased competition in the job market. 

We understand the overwhelming feeling of competing against other candidates. But fear not, we're here to provide guidance with your remote job application so you can rise to the top and seize that dream remote job you've been longing for. 
So, let's take a look at some remote job application tips.

1) Create an outstanding remote-friendly CV

  • Keep your CV clean and straightforward - use clear headings, bullet points, and concise descriptions of your experiences and skills.
  • Highlight your work experience in your remote job application - if you've worked remotely before, emphasise that in your CV. Employers value candidates who are familiar with the challenges and benefits of remote work.
  • Showcase your skills - demonstrate your proficiency with remote work tools, time management, and self-motivation. And use specific examples to prove your abilities within your remote job application. 
  • Demonstrate results with stats - make a lasting impression on employers by showcasing your achievements with stats to highlight quantifiable impact in your remote job application. It demonstrates your focus on achieving results through concrete data, and sets you apart as a results-driven candidate. Your output is ultimately what will be important in a remote setting.

2) Master the art of a cover letter

  • Personalisation - tailor your cover letter to the specific remote job you're applying for. Show the employer that you've done your research and understand their company culture and working environment.
  • Show your passion - communicate your genuine interest in the role and the company's mission. Passionate candidates who are aligned with the company’s mission are more likely to succeed in remote positions.
  • Remote work adaptability - highlight your ability to collaborate effectively in virtual environments and showcase how you have succeeded in past remote work situations.

3) Leverage your online presence

  • Utilise LinkedIn - LinkedIn is the ultimate ally when it comes to your job search. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and showcases your remote work skills and experiences.
  • Create a portfolio - if applicable, create an online portfolio that showcases your work, projects, and accomplishments. Portfolios provide a tangible representation of your abilities and are particularly important in creative roles.
  • Network, network, network - engage in online or in person networking by joining remote work communities, attending virtual events, and connecting with professionals in your industry.

4) Showcase your self-motivation

  • Independent achievements - talk about projects or initiatives you've taken on independently, highlighting your ability to self-start and see things through.
  • Results matter - emphasise your track record of achieving results without constant supervision, as remote employers seek candidates who can deliver even from a distance.
  • Lifelong learning - highlight any online courses or certifications you've completed to show your commitment to personal and professional growth.Don’t forget to improve hobbies or skills that aren’t directly related to the role too, this shows your excitement to learn and allows the hiring manager to start to understand you as a person.

5) Show your initiative and adaptability

  • Change management - show how you've adapted to different work environments and how you thrive in diverse settings, including remote working environments.
  • Problem-solving skills - emphasise your ability to troubleshoot issues independently, showcasing your resourcefulness.

7) Ace the remote job interview

  • Test your technology in advance - make sure your internet connection, webcam, and microphone are working flawlessly before your interview.
  • Prepare for common questions - be ready to discuss your remote work experience, communication skills, and how you manage time and stay productive from a remote setting. 
  • Ask thoughtful questions - show your interest and engagement by asking insightful questions about the company's remote work policies, team dynamics and mission.
  • Follow up - don't miss the opportunity to make a lasting impact! Sending a follow-up email after your interview not only demonstrates your professionalism but also allows you to address additional questions and share any information you may have missed during the conversation. It's your chance to reinforce your interest in the role and keep yourself at the forefront of the hiring manager's mind. 

Securing a remote job at a company that genuinely excites you requires a tailored approach to maximise your chances. Keep in mind that remote work thrives on balance and autonomy, so allow your skills and enthusiasm to take centre stage. 

And embrace the idea that facing rejection doesn't mean defeat; it simply guides you in a new direction. 

So stay proactive by continuously exploring opportunities and bookmarking your favourite companies on Flexa to stay in the loop about their hiring status. This means you’ll never miss a potential perfect match.