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Employee Mental Health And Flexible Working

20th Jul 2022

We’re proud to announce our new partnership with Oliva. We are super excited to be a part of their journey, helping more companies to improve mental well-being in the workplace, and create great working cultures.

Who are Oliva?

Oliva aims to help companies manage mental health in the workplace more effectively. Oliva was founded by people who have all needed mental health support at some point in their lives, but faced difficulties trying to get the support they needed. The purpose of Oliva is to create employee mental health support that is meaningful, accessible and stigma-free; we at Flexa wholeheartedly champion this.

Mental well-being at work is a must - not a perk 

The majority of employees here at Flexa have been through mental health challenges at some point during their career whether that be burnout, anxiety, low self-esteem or depression. So we fully understand that getting the help and support needed can be tough, particularly with mental health on the rise and NHS resources stretched. 

Statistics published by Mind show that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England, and 1 in 6 people reported experiencing a common mental health problem like anxiety and depression, in any given week in England. 

Some employers are trying to combat this but many still simply aren’t. It is vital that all employers have an effective framework in place to support employees' mental health properly - not just to tick a box.

How can flexibility support mental health in the workplace?

Offering flexible working arrangements can support your team's mental well-being, helping to prevent stress and create a better work-life balance. What works best for one person is different from another. Flexibility is about giving employees the choice in the way they work, for some this might be a mixture of working in the office and remotely, for others it might be working fully remote or having flexible working hours.

The benefits of prioritising mental well-being in the workplace

Prioritising mental well-being in the workplace will not only help to manage the rise in mental health but also have a positive impact on businesses by:

  • Increasing the retention of staff
  • Improving and sustaining workplace morale 
  • Reducing recruitment costs
  • Improving productivity and engagement 
  • Supporting remote workers
  • Reducing absenteeism

In the UK alone it is estimated that around 30-40% of sickness absence is attributed to some form of mental health which has an adverse effect on businesses due to a lack of productivity and morale. 

Oliva aims to create company-wide impact through the introduction of proper mental health support for employees, getting people the right level of professional support when they need it. With tailored care journeys, a safe space to open up in one to one sessions or work on specific topics as part of a group, and 100% confidentiality, employees can feel at ease.