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Accessibility for all: disabilities, health conditions, and DEI

In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of accessibility and inclusion and the key factors to consider when creating an inclusive workplace.

16th Apr 2024

Accessibility and inclusion are the foundation of a fair and inclusive workplace where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and thrive.

It's not just about meeting legal requirements; it's about creating a society that upholds the basic human right of equal participation. And how we work is an important part of this.

The power of accessibility and inclusion is what will allow us to shape a brighter and more inclusive future. 

We’ll take a look at the key points that should be recognised and considered. 

Understanding disabilities and health conditions

Disabilities and health conditions are incredibly diverse, often overlooked, and underestimated in our society.

They can be something a person is born with, develop over time, or result from an illness or injury. Disabilities and health conditions can include everything from mobility limitations, difficulties with vision or hearing, learning differences, neurological disorders, chronic illnesses, and mental health conditions.

It's crucial to understand that disabilities and health conditions are not one-size-fits-all. Each person's experience is unique, and the symptoms they face can vary from individual to individual.

Recognising this diversity is key. It calls for an approach that is considerate, inclusive, and responsive to the specific challenges and needs of each person. Embracing this approach allows us to create a society that values and respects the experiences of individuals with disabilities and health conditions and works towards providing equal opportunities for everyone.

How disabilities and health conditions have impacted employees at work

Here, employees from some of our Flexified companies and Flexa employees share their experiences of managing health conditions and disabilities in the workplace.

"I have dyslexia, and so I like to be alone with classical music on when I am doing focus work. I get SO much more work done when I can shut myself in my study at home.I love going into the office to see colleagues for face-to-face days, but I don't expect to get any focus work done in that environment.I also feel more valued because my boss trusts be to drive impact in the way that works best for me and my neurodiversity."

Microsoft employee

"The wonderful thing about flexible working is that I have choice and the freedom to be myself. At home, there’s no need for me to hide my ADHD symptoms and exhaust myself pretending to be a “normal” atypical human.My colleagues are incredibly supportive of my ADHD and thus, I have always felt comfortable discussing it with them. That in turn, gives me the confidence to show a lot of who I am, quirks included, which I’ve never really felt I’ve been able to do in an office."

Shannen Pollard, Social Media Lead at Flexa employee shares her thoughts on managing ADHD at work.

"What I needed was to be able to work from home, that’s the top and bottom of it. So I struck out on my own. I was a freelance designer for 2 years, opened a creative collective in 2019, and built up some really fantastic clients; they didn’t need to know about my endometriosis and that suited me. One of my retainer clients happened to be Flexa, co-founded by Molly Johnson-Jones. Molly’s story and attitude resonated with me and I was able to be overly honest about my health and an upcoming operation for endometriosis without fear of judgement. It was nerve wracking. I won't lie. But it was the best thing I ever did."

Fliss Morse, Design Lead at Flexa shares her thoughts on managing Endometriosis at work.

“Our energetic soul, Amelie, was born a few years ago and my partner and I took shared parental leave which meant we both had a turn as primary parents. This has been an absolute bedrock of equality in our parenting lives. We didn’t know it at the time, but Amelie was born with an extra chromosome - she has Down’s Syndrome. Following her diagnosis as she approached a year, I was fully back into my full time role at tails.com - and I was grateful for the compassionate support of the team around me as I emerged onto a different journey of parenting at the same time as trying to change the world of pet food for good. 

Recently we had neurodiversity training at tails.com, and it was a really incredible experience - I felt so thankful to have been able to learn more in such a supportive environment so I can be understanding & celebratory with my colleagues. And at the same time I felt excited for the first time about Amelie’s potential work future - a world where she can have colleagues as open and supportive as mine. Where she can find somewhere too where she can bring her best self to work and the environment around her. Somewhere she feels welcomed and celebrated for who she is. That really is all I want as a parent.”

Kat, Director at tails.com 

The significance of accessibility in promoting inclusivity

Accessibility should be viewed as a fundamental part of inclusivity, as it plays a crucial role in breaking down barriers and creating equal opportunities for all. Here are some reasons why accessibility should be a priority within your company:

Equal participation - it removes physical, sensory, and cognitive barriers that allow everyone to engage and contribute within the workplace. 

Empowerment and independence - accessible environments support individuals and allow for higher independence. Through accommodations and assistive technologies, people with disabilities can navigate their surroundings, access information, and be able to perform tasks with greater autonomy.

Diverse perspectives - when barriers are removed, individuals with disabilities and health conditions can contribute their unique insights, talents, and skills to drive innovation. 

Social cohesion - inclusive environments promote social cohesion and a sense of belonging. When everyone can fully participate and engage, barriers and stigmas are diminished, leading to stronger communities built on mutual respect and understanding.

Ethical responsibility - prioritising accessibility aligns with ethical responsibilities to treat all individuals with fairness, dignity, and respect. It reflects a commitment to upholding human rights, non-discrimination, and social justice. 

How accessibility boosts diversity and promotes equity in the workplace

So let’s take a closer look at the strategies you can implement to create an environment that prioritises equity and fairness.

Create accessible workspaces - creating a physically accessible work environment allows individuals with mobility impairments to navigate freely and independently. This might include installing ramps, elevators, and adjustable workstations, as well as providing accessible parking spaces.

Provide assistive technologies - offering assistive technologies, such as screen readers, magnifiers, speech recognition software, and alternative input devices, allows employees with disabilities to perform their tasks effectively. These technologies level the playing field and provide equal access to information, communication, and tools. 

Offer flexible work arrangements - implementing flexible work arrangements, such as flexible hours and remote work, support employees with disabilities or health conditions. It allows them to manage their workloads while understanding their unique needs. 

Molly Johnson-Jones, CEO & Co-founder at Flexa

"Before Flexa, my autoimmune disease wreaked havoc on my life. From countless hospital visits and multiple days off work to struggling to walk and battling hives and swelling, each year was a struggle. Everything changed when I started Flexa - hospital visits reduced and work absences became rare. The frequency of hives and swelling decreased significantly, there have been fewer tears, and the fear of public judgement faded away. Embracing flexibility and managing my own time brought a renewed sense of control and productivity. Flexibility isn't just nice to have. It is literally life-changing."

Make communication inclusive - providing accessible ways to communicate means that all employees can be involved in discussions and activities. This may include offering closed captioning for videos, providing sign language interpreters, and using accessible document formats.

Provide training - carrying out disability awareness training for employees promotes understanding, empathy, and inclusion. It helps to dispel misconceptions, break down barriers, and creates a more supportive and inclusive workplace culture where diversity is valued and celebrated.

Allow for equal career advancement - this includes providing reasonable accommodations for tasks, offering mentorship and development programs, and addressing any biases or discriminatory practices that may hinder career progression.

Implement inclusive recruitment and hiring practices - implementing inclusive recruitment and hiring practices and embedding DEI into the hiring process with help attract and retain a diverse workforce. This involves creating accessible job postings and offering accommodations at the interview stage, while making sure that the selection process focuses on skills and qualifications rather than on physical abilities.

The benefits of accessibility for all

So, what does accessibility for all mean for your company? Let’s take a look:

Improved user experience and higher customer satisfaction

Implementing accessibility features into products, services, and digital platforms, allow you to create a better user experience for everyone. This includes providing alternative formats for content, improving website navigation, and making sure that you are compatible with assistive technologies. As a result, you not only cater to the needs of individuals with disabilities but also create a more user-friendly experience for all customers. 

Boosted employee engagement and productivity

Prioritising accessibility in the workplace creates an inclusive and supportive environment. When employees have access to accommodations, assistive technologies, and inclusive practices, they can fully engage in their work and contribute their unique talents and skills. This, in turn, boosts employee morale, satisfaction, and productivity.

Expanded market reach

When you're designing products, services, and marketing campaigns with accessibility in mind, you can open the doors to a broader customer base. Making your offerings accessible to individuals with disabilities not only demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity but also taps into a market that is often overlooked. 

Drive innovation 

Accessibility can drive innovation by inspiring creativity through having more diverse perspectives to contribute to conversations, leading to products and services that better meet the diverse needs of all customers.

Accessibility goes beyond fulfilling legal requirements; it is a strategic approach that supports inclusivity, enhances experiences and allows for every individual to find a place where they belong.