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4 ways authenticity attracts and retains top talent

Being honest about your working culture helps attract talent that aligns with your company's values. When candidates understand what to expect, such as flexible working arrangements, they can decide if the role and company are the right fit for them.

4th Apr 2024

It should be a given that you don’t lie to your candidates, but unfortunately, plenty of companies do so. When LinkedIn introduced tags for remote companies, around 68% of companies decided to label themselves as ‘remote’, but only about 18% of them actually were. 

We call this catfishing. Traditionally associated with creating deceptive online personas to lure individuals into relationships, catfishing has found an unexpected home in the professional world, specifically the job market.

In this context, the focus is not on candidates behaving badly but on companies that entice prospective employees with promises that don't align with the reality of the positions they offer. Candidates not only face the usual job search challenges, such as long multiple stage application processes, but also the frustration of companies that lie about offering remote work.

Honesty is always the best policy. By lying to candidates from the beginning, you’re not starting off on the best terms, and it’s only going to waste time for both you and the candidate. There are many reasons why authenticity will and always win. Here are some of them :

1. Attracts aligned talent

By being honest about your working setup, you are more likely to attract talent that aligns with your company. When candidates use Flexa, they base their job search not only on what they'll do in a new role, but also on how they'll work at a new company. The more transparent you are about your company, the more likely you are to attract the right people to work for you. And it works - companies with the Flexa seal are 4x more attractive to prospective candidates.

2. Retains top talent

Imagine recruiting a candidate who expects remote work, only to find out they need to be in the office three days a week. They won't be happy, and they might even leave to find a company that better suits their needs. This not only wastes everyone's time but it also costs money.

3. Builds Trust

Transparency breeds trust. When companies are upfront about job expectations, candidates feel valued and respected. This trust forms the foundation of a positive employer-employee relationship. Plus, when your company has a positive reputation and is known for being a great place to work, it naturally attracts a larger pool of qualified candidates.

4. Enhances your EVP

Companies known for honesty and integrity in their job postings build a positive reputation from the get go. This reputation not only attracts top talent but also enhances your Employee Value Proposition. This is one of the things companies show off on Flexa; their EVPbecomes a magnet that attracts candidates and retains talent, making  an employer of choice.

Examples of honest recruitment practices

In an era where transparency and authenticity are increasingly valued, honest recruitment practices are essential. Companies that prioritise openness and integrity in their recruitment processes not only attract top talent but also create trust and loyalty among candidates and employees alike. Here are some examples of honest recruitment practices that set companies apart and contribute to positive candidate experiences.

Job descriptions: Providing accurate job descriptions that outline both responsibilities and challenges helps candidates understand what the role involves from the beginning. This prevents misunderstandings and means candidates have a clear idea of what they will be doing if hired.

Salary transparency: Being transparent about salary ranges and benefits offered shows respect for candidates' time and expectations. It allows them to assess whether the compensation aligns with their needs and financial goals before investing further in the application process.

Company culture: Communicating the company culture and using a platform like Flexa to showcase your work environment gives candidates insights into the workplace atmosphere and values. This helps them determine if they would thrive in the organisational culture and if their values align with those of the company.

Recruitment process: Providing feedback to candidates throughout the recruitment process fosters transparency and demonstrates respect for their investment in the application process. Constructive feedback helps candidates understand where they stand and how they can improve, regardless of the outcome.

Growth and progression: Being honest about growth opportunities and potential career paths within the company sets realistic expectations for candidates regarding their professional development. It demonstrates the company's commitment to supporting employees' career advancement and long-term goals.

In summary, honest recruitment practices benefit both employers and candidates. By being transparent and authentic, companies can attract the right talent, reduce turnover, and build trust. It's not just about doing what's right—it's also about creating a solid foundation for success in today's competitive job market.