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Why Our Investors Chose To Invest In Flexa

24th May 2022

We are delighted to announce that Flexa Careers has closed its £2.3m funding round to bring true transparency to the global hiring market. 

Some of our investors from this round wrote about why they chose to invest in Flexa. The answers are brilliantly varied, but all show the amazing belief in the need to provide more information about what it’s like to work somewhere. 

Check Warner, Partner at Ada Ventures who are leading the round, said:

“At Ada we look for companies which could reach one billion people and we believe Flexa can change the way that billions of people find the right job for them. In the last two years, there has been a fundamental shift in the way people feel about their jobs, the type of work they want to do, and how they want to do it. The best talent is fought over by companies - yet it’s still virtually impossible to really understand what it’s like to work at a company before accepting an offer. Flexa is changing that. Flexa’s uniquely transparent audit and certification process ensures that companies who say they offer flexibility, really do so. Flexa should be the first place candidates go to research workplaces and the place that hiring managers go to share the benefits they offer. We are pleased to be investing in a team with such a clear mission to make work accessible to everyone.”

Bettine Schmitz, Partner and Founder at Auxxo Female Catalyst Fund, said: 

"We 100% believe in the base assumption that "how" we work is just as important in job satisfaction and search preferences as "what" we work. We see a huge opportunity in backing such a strong team building Flexa to cater to this enormous market."

Scott Mackin, Serial Angel Investor, said:

“I invested in Flexa because of two things: one, the new world of employment is overtaking the old world. This change may happen in fits and starts in the old world, but the new world is evolving rapidly and the direction of change for everyone is inevitable. Flexa is out in front of that like no one else and are quickly establishing a beachhead.  Two, Molly is a force of nature, and the team is brilliant. I am very pleased to be a part of this venture.”

Tom Fairey, Angel Investor and Founder of Stakester, said:

“When you make investments there are two key things that you always consider (or at least I do).
Firstly, is this product solving a genuine need which a huge number of people have? Flexa was super appealing to me because the fact is, hundreds of millions of people in the world want a flexible working environment. But not just any working environment - they want a truly flexible one. Flexa is helping people to find that, and they’re leading the charge on holding companies accountable to what they offer. 

The second thing you consider is whether the person leading that business has the skills, determination, and resilience to be able to deliver on that opportunity. Every single time I’ve interacted with Molly and the team, I’ve had no doubt that they possess all of those skills, and more, to be able to make Flexa a massive success.”

Marla Shapiro, Founder and CEO of HERmesa, said:

"Molly wowed us with both her exceptional drive, skill set and identification of an underserved market. We are so excited to join her in this mission to create the new gold standard of flexible working arrangements. Given Flexa’s rigorous certification, future employees can be rest assured their future employer can provide their desired working arrangement. With employers desire to remain as competitive and attractive as possible, coupled with employees requirement to work for companies which are truly flexible, Flexa could change the way billion plus people find their next job."

We are delighted with the makeup of our cap table, with over 50% of capital held by female investors. Diversity on both sides of the fence is key to making true progress in backing diverse founding teams. 

This funding will enable us to grow our user base from 500,000 to millions of people, upgrade the insights and information available on our platform, and improve hundreds of companies’ employer brands, diversity in their hiring pipeline, and ability to attract the best talent. 

Onwards and upwards!

Find out more about what we do, and our Flexa story so far.