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How tails.com Have Unleashed The Power Of WFA

26th Apr 2023

First Work From Home, now it's Work From Anywhere. We've come a long way since pre-pandemic when WFH (Working From Home) was a pipe dream - however, here we are. More and more companies are offering WFA (Work From Anywhere) schemes as a company benefit to their employees. These schemes allow employees to work from any location, increasing flexibility and work-life balance.

WFA schemes have numerous benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, they may be able to work from a more comfortable or convenient location, save time and money on commuting, travel for longer periods of time, and have more control over their work environment. 

Jack Lodge - Data Analyst

"I worked from Sofia, Bulgaria - using the flexibility to enhance and lengthen a visit to my wife's family over Christmas 2021. I'm actually about to use it again to spend a full month there (2 weeks remote, 2 weeks hols) so that we can spend the whole month with my wife’s family before our daughter arrives in late July”

Pictures of Jack and his wife and the view from the top of Mount Vitosha.

Marie Renwick - Product Manager. And Laura Cannon - Senior Commercial Manager.

"To escape the beginning of British winter in 2022, we took advantage of our new work abroad benefit; we headed to the Philippines for a month for a mix of work and play. We both love to surf and this trip was all about experiencing new waves with local guides who could give us some tips to help us improve. We surfed in the morning and worked in the evening to match up with UK office hours)"

Pictures of Marie and Laura on the beach and out to sea.

Anush Sharyan - Data Scientist

"I worked remotely from my dad’s ancestral village in Armenia, which turned out to be an amazing experience. Being away from home made me miss my grandma, and spending some quality time with her in the mountains was priceless. While working, my grandma made sure I was well-fed with delicious local snacks and coffee to boost my energy levels. We also had some time together before and after work chatting, doing garden work, harvest testing, or just watching TV. On weekends, I travelled to different regions of Armenia to meet friends and have fun together. We visited ancient churches, camped and rode horses in the hills, and even tried SUP surfing in a mountain lake. These were all unforgettable experiences that I couldn’t have had in a city. I felt reconnected with my roots, myself, refreshed, and inspired. I would definitely do it again."

Picture of Anush paddleboarding.

Adèle Beuque - Manufacturing Engineer

" I usually go to Spain every 3-4 months, for 10 days, to visit my boyfriend's family and some of my friends living out there. It allows us to have some family time, but as everyone is working, I don't feel I'm losing my holidays waiting for people to return home from work."

Picture of tapas.

Franki Lake - Senior Product Manager

"I used 3 days to spend a week in Nottinghamshire over Easter so my son’s grandparents (and uncles) could get some quality time with him. They don’t see him very often, so a whole week together was brilliant. Also amazing because these are not the usual post-work activities for a Londoner!"

Picture of Franki and her Son.

Lina Merouani - Marketing Executive

"I went back to France and spent quality time with my family and friends, celebrating birthdays, walking around Paris, rediscovering my city and playing board games. I usually come back to Paris every month, but combining some of our benefits helps me plan ahead of my time, and I no longer need to break the bank when booking my Eurostar tickets for a short trip. I decided to come back to Paris in March to spend Ramadan with my family, it's a very special time for Muslims, and I'm so happy and grateful I could do it with them this year."

Picture of the Eiffel Tower.

Jessie Grist - Brand Executive

"I used my WFA days last September to visit my sister in Australia after not seeing her for 3 years. It meant so much to me that I could travel to the other side of the world and spend a significant amount of time with her after being apart due to Covid. I was there for 3 weeks in total, 1-week WFA, and then I took 2 weeks of annual leave. The team at tails.com were so supportive. It proved to be very effective, and I'm so grateful to have had that opportunity!"

Picture after climbing a mountain in Queensland to see the sunrise.
The positive impact of WFA schemes on employees' mental well-being cannot be overstated. It's heartening to hear stories of people using this benefit to spend more time with their families, pursue their hobbies, and achieve a better work-life balance. In addition to promoting individual well-being, WFA schemes can have a ripple effect on team productivity and talent retention. By offering employees greater flexibility and autonomy, companies can create a more fulfilling and dynamic work environment that ultimately benefits everyone involved.