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Rita's flexible working story

In this Q&A, we speak with Flexa partner Rita Batalha, an inspiring freelance program and project manager and traveller. Rita has experienced firsthand how remote work has transformed her life, and she’s passionate about helping others embrace this lifestyle.

27th Jun 2024

Flexible working has transformed the way we live and work, giving us the freedom and balance we've all been craving. It lets people tailor their schedules to fit their unique lifestyles, working how and where they want. To find out more about the impact of remote and flexible work arrangements, we're sharing real success stories from those who have experienced the benefits firsthand.

In this Q&A, we sit down with Flexa Partner Rita Batalha, an inspiring Freelance Program & Project Manager and traveller. Rita has experienced firsthand how remote work has transformed her life, and she’s passionate about helping others embrace this lifestyle. She empowers people to live and work on their own terms. Discover how Rita’s journey can inspire you to realise the profound impact of remote work

Name:  Rita Batalha

Job role: Freelance Program & Project Manager

What’s your flexible working set up? Fully remote

1. What is your flexible working set up? (hybrid, fully-remote, remote etc)

Hi Flexa team – thank you for having me! I work fully remotely, splitting my time between the UK and other countries and UK cities, depending on my priorities, client workload, and energy levels.

2. What is your role?

I’m a Programme and Project Manager specialising in Digital Transformation and Customer Experience. I partner with companies to drive and deliver exciting projects using technology as the primary enabler.

I also coach experienced corporate professionals to help them establish successful freelance careers, enabling them to achieve freedom, flexibility, and stability in their own expertise field and industry.

3. Have you always worked remotely? What made you want a more flexible working set up?

I have been working remotely for 3 years now. Before going solo, I was working in the corporate 9-5 routine in management consulting. My shift into flexible and remote work began when I decided to travel and visit a few countries, ultimately leading me to go into remote freelancing and contracting.

But what kept me excited are the immeasurable benefits I've enjoyed along the way – from quality time with family in Portugal and Brazil to the thrill of working remotely from dream and interesting destinations like Cape Verde Costa Rica, Uruguay, Serbia and Jordan.

These adventures have also opened doors to new hobbies and interests; for example, I've developed a deep respect and admiration for ethical travelling and nomadism, I found a passion for understanding politics and helping local communities and start-ups.

4. How has flexible working influenced your productivity and job satisfaction?

This is an excellent question! Both productivity and job satisfaction have increased significantly.

By eliminating the commute, I can now redirect extra time to more valuable tasks. I can start my workday with increased focus, feeling relaxed, and experiencing fewer interruptions from typical office interactions. Another factor is defining my ideal work environment to help increase my creativity and collaboration, ultimately leading to improved results for my client’s projects and teams.

The synergy of these factors has significantly increased my job satisfaction. It provides a sense of control over my life and work environment, allowing me to focus on engaging in productive and impactful work.

5. What impact has flexible working had on your life?

The most remarkable impact is that I no longer perceive work as the dominant factor influencing my work-life balance; instead, it is just one aspect of the equation.

As a result, I now have the ability to amplify the quality of my interactions with those around me while maintaining the same level of productivity, quality, work ethic, and results for my clients.

Flexible and remote work in my case, has enabled me to take charge of my life with freedom and flexibility, on my own terms.

6. Can you share specific examples of how flexible working has made it easier to manage your personal and professional responsibilities?

Flexible working has transformed the way I interset my personal and professional priorities at a different level. I can enjoy extended visits with loved ones, attend important family events, and engage in meaningful projects that manifest my passion, without sacrificing productivity or quality.

For instance, I can visit my best friend in Serbia and work remotely for two weeks. Or, I can drive my niece to swimming classes in Portugal while supporting her development and being more present in her life. I also have the opportunity to volunteer with children or coach brilliant tech and digital professionals to help them establish a successful freelance career.
To me, it not only transformed my work-life integration but also opened up a new range of opportunities and spaces for me to learn and impact different communities.

7. Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles related to flexible working, and if so, how have you overcome them?

The most common challenge I experience with my remote work arrangement is a sense of occasional isolation. However, I firmly believe that each individual should take responsibility for creating a routine and work-life integration that prioritises wellness, preserves social interaction, and supports mental health. Thus, I think my challenge cannot be solely attributed to working remotely.

To overcome my sense of occasional isolation, I regularly join communities that resonate with topics or lifestyles that excite me, explore and try out various co-working spaces and environments, participate in self-care activities such as yoga or pilates classes, and maintain regular contact with my support group as much as possible.

8. How do you think flexible working has contributed to your career growth and development?

In my experience, flexible working played a crucial role in accelerating my professional development. However, I'd say that my freelance career, combined with flexible working, acted as the biggest catalyst.

What's interesting is that in my niche as a freelancer, job titles and career growth are important. And thanks to flexible working, I was able to design my independent professional development plan and upskilling strategy. This allowed me to learn new methodologies, technologies, and areas of expertise, which helped me to advance from Associate to Director contracts in just two and a half years.

As a remote worker, I was able to invest my time and resources in completing on-demand training programs and certifications on platforms like Coursera or Knowledge Train from any location worldwide. Also, being able to position myself in the market with a different level of seniority allowed me to pitch my services to global companies, further expanding my career opportunities.

9. Is your company supportive of you working flexibly? Are there any policies they have in place that have helped you?

As a freelancer, I worked independently and, by default, was exempt from policies for full-time employees. However, certain companies that hire a large contingency workforce like freelancers and contractors may have policies in place that apply to both remote and on-site work.

In my experiences so far, I have primarily worked fully remote with companies or contracts that operate in a fully remote manner. I have only attended an office once for a meeting.

10. What advice would you give to people who are thinking about working more flexibly but not sure?

I think it's fantastic! And I typically offer three pieces of advice:

Firstly, it's important to define what flexible working means for you. Is it flexible hours? Every Friday off? Working from anywhere in the world for 2 months? Working from home 3 days a week? The spectrum of flexible work is broad, and each choice carries different implications for work-life balance.

Secondly, I recommend trying out a short trial period to experiment with your flexible working arrangement (or a similar substitute if considering travelling abroad). During the trial, you should reflect on your experience and determine what you think worked and didn’t work well.

Thirdly, I propose creating a solid business case to discuss options and implications with your company. While each company has its own policy, it's important to articulate the reasons behind the request and address any potential risks or concerns related to productivity and results.

Flexible working is critical for every employee, but even more crucial for individuals experiencing delicate life situations such as being caregivers, having temporary or permanent visible and invisible disabilities, dealing with health conditions, being single parents (or parents in general), etc.

Flexible working is all about enabling and providing access to work that better integrates work-life balance and accommodates everyone's needs.

Share your flexible working story with us! 

We want to hear how flexible working has transformed your life. Tell us about the challenges you've overcome, the benefits you've enjoyed, and the impact it has had on your daily routine. Your insights can inspire others on their journey towards a more flexible and fulfilling work life. If you're interested, you can answer our quick survey here, and we'll get back to you to learn more about your experience.