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From application to offer: building trust throughout the recruitment process

In this blog, Raj Ghir, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner at Eviden shares his insights on building trust with candidates throughout the recruitment process.

By Raj Ghir

Senior Talent Acquisition Partner at Eviden

23rd Jul 2024

5 minutes

I want to dive into something that’s super close to my heart—building trust with candidates throughout the recruitment process. I’ve been talking about this a lot on LinkedIn, but I wanted to create a one-stop guide for improving candidate experience from start to finish.

Trust is crucial because a great candidate experience can set your company apart. We’ve all had both positive and negative experiences with hiring processes, and let’s face it, the bad ones stick with us more. These bad experiences can cause job seekers to lose trust in businesses. 

So, let’s break down how you can create a recruitment process that candidates will love and trust.

First impressions: job ads and application process

First impressions matter

Your job ad is often the first interaction a candidate has with your company, so it's essential to get it right. Think of it like meeting someone for the first time—you want to make a good impression. Write your job ads like you’re talking to your ideal candidate. Highlight what’s in it for them—what they’ll be working on, growth opportunities, and the role’s impact on their career. This shows candidates you understand and value their professional goals.

To really make your job ad stand out, showcase your company culture and values in a tangible way. For example, if your company values work-life balance, mention that you offer flexible working hours or remote work options. If you pride yourself on continuous learning, highlight any training programs or opportunities for professional development. This isn't just about listing benefits—it's about showing how your values translate into real-life perks and opportunities for your employees.

Be upfront and honest

Nobody likes a mystery when it comes to job applications. Be upfront about the salary and working conditions. Candidates appreciate knowing what they’re walking into, and it builds a foundation of honesty. Clear salary information attracts more applicants and reduces uncertainty, fostering trust.

Honesty also extends to the description of your company culture. Avoid vague statements like “we have a great culture” or “we value teamwork.” Instead, provide concrete examples. Do you have team-building events, regular social gatherings, or a mentoring program? Sharing these specifics helps candidates get a real sense of what working at your company would be like, making them more likely to trust you and feel excited about the opportunity.

Make applying easy

A complicated application process can scare away great candidates. Keep it simple by asking for just the essentials upfront—resume and basic info. There’s no need to ask candidates to input their work history manually. Provide a clear roadmap of the application steps, including timelines for feedback. This kind of transparency reduces anxiety and builds trust because candidates know what to expect. Also, sending a quick “thanks for applying” email shows candidates their application didn’t disappear into the void and that you appreciate their interest.

Mapping the candidate journey

To truly enhance the candidate experience, start by mapping the candidate journey. Detail each touchpoint from the job ad to a successful candidates start date. By doing this, you can identify and address potential friction points. For example, if candidates drop off at a particular stage, it might indicate a need for clearer instructions or a more user-friendly application interface. Understanding and refining each step ensures a smooth and transparent process, which builds trust from the outset.

Structured and efficient interviews

The heart of the process

Interviews are a crucial part of the candidate journey. Make sure your interview process is as smooth and positive as possible. Clearly outline the process, stages, and desired outcomes before the interview. This helps candidates feel informed and ready, reducing their anxiety and building trust.

Consistent and fair evaluations

Use consistent interview frameworks with structured questions and scoring systems. This ensures a fair evaluation and shows candidates that you’re serious about making objective hiring decisions. Automated scheduling tools can save everyone a headache. Let candidates pick times that work for them, reducing the back-and-forth emails and showing that you respect their time.

Mapping the interview experience

Map out the inteview experience by detailing each stage—from initial contact to the final decision. This helps you identify opportunities to enhance transparency and efficiency. For instance, providing candidates with detailed information about each interview stage can alleviate their concerns and build trust in your process. Setting expectations about timelines and what each interview will entail significantly reduces candidate anxiety.

Transparent communication and feedback loops

Keep candidates in the loop

Maintaining communication throughout the recruitment process is key to building trust. Radio silence can create doubts and uncertainty. Schedule calls before interviews to prepare candidates and after to provide immediate feedback and next steps. Even if there’s no major news, let candidates know you’re still working on it as well as any unexpected delays in the process. A quick update can keep them engaged and reduce the feeling of being left in the dark.

Collect and implement feedback

Gather feedback from candidates at various stages to understand their experiences and highlight areas for improvement. Use this feedback to make immediate and long-term changes. Regularly reviewing and updating your practices based on candidate input shows that you’re not just listening, but also acting on their feedback.

Mapping the communication flow

Map out the communication flow from initial contact to the offer stage to ensure consistent and transparent communication. Identify key touch points where updates are crucial and set up automated reminders to keep candidates informed. This proactive approach helps maintain candidate trust and reduces anxiety.

Effective onboarding

Seamless transition

Onboarding is your chance to show new hires that they made the right choice. A smooth onboarding process can make a big difference in how they feel about your company from day one. Create onboarding packs to give candidates all the relevant information they need and manager packs to ensure they know what to do to deliver a great onboarding experience to their new team members.

One easy tip is to make sure new hires log in on day one with a schedule of people they will meet in their opening weeks. Don’t overwhelm them, but meeting their key stakeholders and team members can alleviate a lot of early anxiety. Conduct surveys at key intervals (30, 60, 90 days) to gauge new hire satisfaction and integration. This feedback helps you make timely adjustments and shows new hires that their opinions matter.

Mapping the onboarding journey

Map out the onboarding journey to ensure new hires receive all necessary information and support. This can include a schedule of introductions, training sessions, and key check-ins. A well-structured onboarding plan helps new hires integrate smoothly and reinforces their decision to join your company. Ensuring that new hires have a clear understanding of their first weeks at the company reduces their anxiety and helps them settle in quickly.


Building trust with candidates requires a consistent focus on transparency, communication, and continuous improvement throughout the recruitment process. Of course, this list isn’t exhaustive, but by following these key steps, you can create a recruitment process that not only attracts top talent but also makes candidates feel valued and respected.

A big thank you to Flexa for collaborating with me on these insights. It’s been a pleasure to work together to promote best practices in talent acquisition. You can follow me on Linkedin where I share more content about the candidate experience and recruitment best practices.

How have you built trust with your candidates? Share your thoughts and let’s keep the conversation going! 🌟