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3 Strategies To Boost Employee Satisfaction Using Your EVP

31st May 2023

Employee satisfaction plays a pivotal role in shaping a successful and thriving business, and your EVP (Employee Value Proposition) is one of the main drivers. 

Think of your EVP as the awesome package of perks and experiences your company offers to attract, engage and keep top talent. And here's the deal, when you prioritise employee satisfaction in your EVP, you create a workplace where people feel valued, motivated, and engaged. It leads to enhanced productivity, higher retention rates, and all-around positive company culture, which your team are proud to be a part of. 

So, let's discover some killer tactics to boost it and keep your employees satisfied and engaged.

1) Carry out employee surveys and feedback analysis

Your employees are the heart of your company, and their opinions matter. Actively seeking their feedback shows that their voices are heard, and their perspectives are valued. Employee feedback serves as a compass, guiding you towards areas of improvement; it allows you to uncover potential pain points, identify areas of strength, and gain a deeper understanding of the overall employee experience. 

With this in mind, here are 3 main points to consider:

  • Design - designing an effective employee satisfaction survey requires a thoughtful approach. Craft questions that touch on different aspects of the employee experience, such as work-life balance, communication, career development, and recognition. Keep the survey concise and user-friendly, ensuring employees can easily provide their input without much drop-off. Consider offering both multiple-choice questions and open-ended ones to encourage detailed responses.

  • Execute - when it comes to employee surveys, transparency is key. Let your employees know why you're carrying out the survey and assure them that their responses are confidential so they can feel completely comfortable sharing their honest opinions. Create a buzz and use different channels, like online survey tools or good old anonymous suggestion boxes, to cater to different preferences and encourage maximum participation. These insights are pure gold when it comes to shaping your best ever EVP.

  • Analyse - once you've gathered your employee survey results, it's time to take a deep dive into the data. Keep your eyes peeled for patterns, trends, and common themes that pop up. Celebrate the areas where employee satisfaction is thriving and make sure to keep those strengths going strong. But don't forget about the areas where satisfaction could use a boost - those are your golden opportunities for improvement. Armed with the insights from your analysis, you can make informed decisions and take action. Get your HR teams and leadership involved, too; their valuable perspectives and expertise will help you truly understand the data and craft killer strategies for improvement. 

2) Enhancing work-life balance initiatives

Prioritising work-life balance is a strategic move that pays off in more ways than one. Providing a supportive environment that values the well-being of your employees will not only increase employee satisfaction but also boosts productivity and retention rates. 

Here are some key elements you might want to consider:

  • Promote flexible work arrangements - offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, allows employees to better manage their personal and professional lives. By recognising that everyone has unique circumstances and preferences, you can create an environment where employees feel trusted and valued. 

  • Support employee well-being and mental health - recognising the importance of employee well-being and mental health is vital for a strong EVP. Provide resources and initiatives that promote wellness, such as well-being support or access to counselling services through companies such as Oliva. Encourage a culture where self-care and mental well-being are openly discussed and prioritised. Alongside this, consider implementing policies that address workload management and encourage healthy work-life integration.

  • Encourage time off - a healthy work-life balance requires time away from work to recharge and rejuvenate. Encourage employees to take their earned time off and annual leave days by promoting a positive ‘holiday culture’. Ensure that managers lead by example and take time off themselves. Implement clear policies that support employees in planning and scheduling their time off, providing them with the opportunity to relax, spend time with loved ones, take a trip abroad, or allow more time for pursuing hobbies. Remember to also respect the boundaries of employees who are taking time off, most things can wait or be delegated to other team members and don’t need a response from the beach!  

3) Employee recognition and reward

Acknowledging employee contributions creates a culture of appreciation, boosts team morale, creates a sense of belonging, and motivates employees to perform at their best. 

Here are some key tactics to consider for adding recognition and reward within your EVP:

  • Establish a culture of output-based recognition - recognition should be woven into the fabric of your company. Encourage managers and leaders to acknowledge and appreciate employees' efforts and achievements regularly. Implement formal and informal recognition processes that celebrate individual and team accomplishments. Recognise employees publicly, whether through company-wide announcements, a celebratory Slack channel, newsletters, or a dedicated recognition platform. Creating a culture where recognition is the norm continuously motivates employees and boosts team morale. 

  • Implement meaningful and timely rewards - when it comes to rewards, quality matters more than quantity. Make sure that the rewards you offer align with the interests and preferences of your employees. Consider personalised rewards that go beyond monetary incentives, such as opportunities for professional development, subscription boxes, vouchers or extra time off. Timeliness is crucial too; recognise and reward employees promptly after they have achieved something significant; not only does this reinforce positive practice, but it also sends a clear message that their efforts are seen and appreciated. 

  • Encourage peer-to-peer recognition - peer recognition is a powerful and often an underestimated tool. Encourage employees to celebrate and appreciate their colleagues' achievements. Implement platforms or channels where employees can give shout-outs, share success stories, or express gratitude and support. Peer recognition not only boosts employee satisfaction but also strengthens team dynamics. 
Remember, employee satisfaction isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have for successful teams. Prioritise elements such as work-life balance, enhancing recognition and rewards, a positive culture, growth and development, and clear communication so that you have an EVP that attracts, retains and engages the best talent for your company. Create a workplace where company goals are achieved, and people genuinely love working for you - that's what it's all about.