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10 tips to help you navigate a career change

Thinking about switching careers but not sure where to start? We can help! Whether you're looking for a fresh challenge or pursuing your passion, we've put together some essential tips and insights to guide you through a smooth and successful career transition.

23rd Jun 2024

5 minutes

Are you feeling stuck in your current role? Perhaps you've come across a new passion you want to explore, or it’s finally time to turn that side hustle into a main hustle. Whatever the reason, you're not alone. The average person will change careers 5-7 times during their working life! 

Career changes are becoming more common, and with the rise of flexible working, there are more opportunities than ever to reshape your professional life.

Let's look into what you should consider when making this big move. 

1. Think about your 'why?' 🤔

Before you leap into a new career, it's important to understand why you want to make a change. Are you:

  • Feeling unfulfilled in your current role?
  • Looking for a better work-life balance?
  • Seeking more challenging work?
  • Wanting to pursue a long-held passion?
Understanding your 'why' will help guide your decisions and keep you motivated during the transition. It's not just about running away from something; it's about running towards something better.

2. Think about your transferable skills 🛠️

You've likely picked up tons of valuable skills in your current career. The trick is figuring out how these can translate to your new field. Make a list of your hard and soft skills, including:

  • Technical skills specific to your industry
  • Leadership and management experience
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Adaptability and resilience
You might be surprised at how many of your current skills are transferable. Plus, identifying skill gaps can help you plan your learning journey.

3. Research, research, research 🔍

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to career changes. If you have a specific career in mind do your research about the industry or role:

  • What qualifications are typically required?
  • What's the job market like?
  • What's the earning potential?
  • What are the day-to-day responsibilities?
Don't just rely on job descriptions. Reach out to people already working in the field. LinkedIn can be a goldmine for this kind of networking. Most people are happy to chat about their work, and you might even make some valuable connections along the way. There will also be lots of in person events you can go to where you will be able to connect with people in the field.

4. Think about how you want to work 🏡 💻

Here's where things get exciting. The world of work has changed dramatically, and flexible working plays a major role. When exploring new career options, consider how flexibility might play a role:

  • Remote work: Could you do this job from anywhere in the world?
  • Part-time or job-sharing: Is it possible to ease into the new career while maintaining some stability?
  • Flexible hours: Does the role allow for work outside the traditional 9-5?

Flexibility can be a game-changer, allowing you to balance your career change with other life commitments. It can also open up opportunities that might not be available locally. It’s important to think about what flexible working options are right for you and your lifestyle. If you need help figuring this out, our lifestyle quiz is the best place to start.

5. Upskill and reskill 📚

Chances are, you'll need to learn some new skills for your career change. But don't let that stop you! There are more learning opportunities available now than ever before:

  • Online courses and certifications 
  • Part-time or evening classes at local colleges
  • Workshops and bootcamps
  • Volunteering or internships in your new field
Remember, learning doesn't have to be formal. Reading industry publications, attending webinars, and joining professional associations can all help you gain knowledge and make connections. Challenge yourself to take the first step, sign up to a course or attend a webinar. That one simple step might give you the appetite to keep learning!

6. Create a transition plan 🗺️

A career change doesn't happen overnight. Create a realistic timeline for your transition, considering factors like:

  • Time needed for additional education or training
  • Financial implications (savings, potential pay cut during transition)
  • Family commitments
  • Current job responsibilities
Your plan might involve a gradual transition - perhaps starting with a side hustle or part-time work in your new field while maintaining your current job. Or you might decide to take a more direct approach with full-time study or a complete career switch.

7. Think about your personal brand 🌟

Your personal brand is how you define yourself. What is your purpose and where can you add value? As you prepare for your career change, it's time to refresh your personal brand. This includes:

  • Revamping your CV to highlight transferable skills
  • Updating your LinkedIn profile
  • Creating a portfolio of relevant work (if applicable)
  • Crafting your career change story

Your personal brand should reflect where you're going, not just where you've been. Be prepared to explain your career change decision confidently and positively. Don’t feel the pressure to have a long story about why you’re switching careers. As long as you can explain your motivations about why you’re doing it, that’s the first step. 

8. Embrace networking 🤝

Networking can feel daunting, but it's invaluable when changing careers. Some networking strategies to consider:

  • Attend industry events and conferences
  • Join professional associations in your new field
  • Participate in online forums and discussions
  • Reach out to alumni from your school who work in your target industry
Remember, networking isn't just about asking for jobs. It's about building relationships and learning from others in your new field. If you’re struggling to understand how to network remotely our recent blog on this is a must-read. 

9. Be patient and persistent 🏃‍♀️

Career changes take time. There might be setbacks along the way, but don't let them discourage you. Keep your end goal in mind and celebrate small victories along the way.

Create an achievements document where you can note down everything you’re achieving along the way. That may be anything from having a conversation with someone in the industry to attending a course or webinar. These small wins add up and will show you how far you have come!

10. Find a Mentor 🦉

Finding a mentor in your new field can be incredibly valuable. They can provide insights, advice, and potentially even open doors to opportunities. Don't be afraid to reach out to people you admire in your target industry.

You’ve got this! 

Making a career change is a big decision, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. With careful planning, continuous learning, and a bit of courage, you can navigate the transition to a new, more fulfilling career.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to career changes. What works for one person might not work for another. Stay true to your goals and be willing to adapt and keep pushing forward.

So, are you ready to take the leap? Your new career adventure awaits!