

Datafold makes analytics engineering a productive and enjoyable experience.

Not employee verified

This information on this profile page has not been verified by employees at Datafold.


Fully flexible hours

Benefits at Datafold

Enhanced maternity leave – 16 weeks @ 100% pay
Enhanced paternity leave – 16 weeks @ 100% pay
Work from anywhere scheme
Unlimited annual leave
Enhanced sick pay
Work from home allowance
Co-working space allowance
$50 p/month towards productivity tools
Annual company retreats to spend time together in person
Health insurance (US only)
Relocation assistance

About Datafold

Our product helps Data teams (Data Analysts / Data Scientists / Data Engineers) be more productive in their daily workflows by automating lots of time-consuming tasks while also giving them more confidence in their work and in the quality of the data they are using.

Dаtafold gives confidence to a team of analysts and data engineers in protecting the quality of the information provided to business customers of all levels.

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