What Is A FlexScore And How Is It Calculated?

12th Oct 2022

The FlexScore represents a company’s flexible working environment. It's the result of a 2-step verification process which first determines the flexible working options a company provides and then verifies this by surveying a statistically significant portion of its employees and asking them to rate their satisfaction with the following six key indicators:

  • Location
  • Hours
  • Benefits
  • Senior leadership
  • Trust & autonomy
  • Work-life balance

What is the FlexScore and why does it matter?

Well, the average person spends up to 3 hours searching for what flexible working options are on offer at just one company. 3 hours. Per application. 

This isn’t unusual, either, as flexible working is a non-negotiable for 73% of the global office population. Think of how many hours we’re spending trawling through Google, social media, talking to people, and interviewing… Just to find out whether a company working environment is right for us. 

It’s a broken system, and the FlexScore is here to fix that. 

The FlexScore is our way of quantifying exactly what flexible working really is. Gone are the days of fluffy definitions and an inability to tell what the term “flexible working” really means. We’ve distilled hours of research into the click of a button. 

Every company on Flexa goes through two stages of Flexification in order to receive the Flexa seal of approval.

To determine a company’s FlexScore we look at the following:

Company benchmarking

The first stage benchmarks a company against the market based on key factors such as location, hours, benefits, and ease of access to flexible working. We have compiled millions of data points from companies all over the world to understand exactly what the average offering is, and truly flexible company is. Every company on Flexa has to score over 50% (above average) to proceed to the second step. 

Employee Surveying

The second stage surveys employees that currently work at the company about their own experiences of the company’s working environment. In order to compare across different working environments fairly, we ask perception-based questions, such as “When it comes to the flexible working culture at your company, how well do you think your senior leadership team role model and support flexible working?”.

We ask these questions across six different areas: location, hours, benefits, senior leadership, trust & autonomy, and work-life balance. This is to ensure that what a company has stated to be true is definitely the case. 

A minimum number of employees must take the quiz so that the answers are statistically significant. The sample size depends on the size of the company being assessed and means that our users can rest be assured that our FlexScore is a reliable indicator of life at the companies on Flexa. 

This might sound like a lot of work, but each survey takes around 1 minute to complete. We take large volumes of quantitative data to draw reliable conclusions, rather than small samples of in-depth qualitative data, which can often be less reliable. So far, we’ve never had someone feedback to us that a Flexified company isn’t flexible, so the system works!

How does this benefit a company?

Flexible working is the #1 employee demand, with 92% of people wanting to work more flexibly. By being a Flexified company, you can be found by tens and thousands of candidates looking for flexible roles quickly and easily. Flexible working adds tremendous value to your EVP and Employer Brand - we shout about flexible companies through emails and social media to build awareness around the fantastic benefits Flexified companies offer. 

Candidate engagement with Flexification is super-high and a great way to publicise your flexible working arrangements and other benefits/perks to attract the best talent.